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Your best games with crap review scores


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Alpha Protocol. It has its flaws, but I had lots of fun with it and encountered no bugs at all. Yet everyone is saying it's a very bad and buggy game. Edited by Povuholo
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Tom Clancy's HAWX-2.


H' awkward name, admitedly, but bloody hell what a game. I've proudly played every single Xbox 360 flight game ever released in Australia and as far as Im concerned, this is easily the best.


The controls are fantastic, the gameplay superb, the mission structure and fully online co-op'ed campaign faultless, the "choose your own rewards" system, perfect.


But all the reviews I saw of it, panned it for being "too hardcore" and "not the game that brings me into flight gaming".


It saddens me that this game, which I would gladly give a 9.5/10, got panned simply because reviewers were a bunch of wimpy casuals without the guts to play a real game.


HAWX 2 is the best flying game on Xbox 360 at the moment bar none, truly excellent especialy online, it's perfect for players of ALL skill levels, just not weak hearted reviewers. If you want to fly a Sukhoi SU-47 in a dogfight over Moscow in unmatched photoreal graphics, or fly an F-16 down a canyon in Afghanistan, this is the game for you. Nothing else comes even remotely close. And trust me, I've played everything else.


It's also one of the worst games I've played. The models were poor, the skins more so, the detail atrocious, and the land scape is gimmicky. The collisional aspects are horrendous, and the bone story line is something that Tom Clancy should be ashamed to put his name to.


Also, the fact the Su47 can go fly in a permanent stallmode to just rotate around a single point is horrendous to real sense.


The multiplayer is crap with virtually noone on, and then it's merely a matter of equipment over skill - basically beng a horde of AAM's in a SU47/F22, whereas I'd like to see someone actually try and take me on with my Warthog with 6 Gun Pods versus their Mig 31 armed with JSM's and Rockets.


However, the Spooky gun ship modes are very fun indeed.

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I would easily have to say Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing. Game Rankings score of 3.83%

This game provided me with hours of laughter. When I got board of it I decided to re-texture some things for even more laughter, not to mention how funny the reviews are.

Here is the description of the game from gameranings.com


Get ready for some brake jamm'in, CB talk'in, convey roll'in action acoss America! From Portland Oregon to Miami Florida, you'll be hauling loads and trying to stay one step ahead of the law as you climb into your Big Rig for non-stop driving action. And if that's not enough, you'll also be able to race your modified Rig on one of 5 different tracks for the ultimate driving rush as you crush the competition and set a new track record!


The funny parts about the description are how incorrect it is.

1. The breaks sound so amazing it could make your ears bleed :tongue:

2. There is no talking over radios

3. Your rig rolls through houses, up mountains (even if they are vertical), and off the map, as the game has no collision except for the map its self

4. I do not believe that there is a single geographical reference anywhere

5. Initially after the game was released the cpu didn't drive, and a map crashed the game

6. After a patch "fixed" this you got a mirrored map, and when the cpu drives it stops before the finish line

7. Infinite acceleration backwards. The speedometer keeps spinning in circles, and your speed digits eventually leave the screen

8. Great loading times (within minutes! you can be Rigging)

9. Breathtaking Graphics

10. The greatest thing of all is that win you win (not if, there is no if. Either you win, or you quit) there is possibly the greatest congratulations banner in the world. It states:


(Yes, the famous and grammatically questionable "YOU'RE WINNER)


This isn't everything great about the game, but it is definitely worth checking out if you seek a deep storyline where you meet a great cast of characters, and embark on one unforgettable experience!

Edited by tttttt
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