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Black Mysterious Magnum (+gold trim?)


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If theres any texturers out there It would be cool if the "Mysterious Magnum" weapon were to be textured to look sorta like the Ranger Sequoia cept it has the .44 Magnum model, who knows maybe give it a new model based on the 1990 Colt Anaconda? You know, cept black.




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Yeah that's Definitely Sexy. It would be nice to change the music for when you take out the gun to one bourbon one scotch and one beer. When i look at this gun i want a shot of whiskey and a shot of buffout. Might i add if it had kind of a Obsidian look to the gun it would greatly increase the over all look and feel to the gun.http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101124031413/fallout/images/0/09/MysteriousMagnum.png this needs a cherry wood grip that would be a good change and all the art on the gun should be gold trim that would be magnificent! Edited by DarkDevil656
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Well, if you just want it black, why not just unpack the texture yourself with NVidia's DDS Tools, load it in for example GIMP (it's free), hit the colour tools, namely the Brightness-Contrast tool, drag the brightness to minimum, save, convert back to DDS? It's not like it even needs l33t graphics skill, and it beats waiting for someone else to do it, right? :P
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Ya Moraelin that sounds like an option, but the thing is I am lazy and don't want to learn that simple crap right now, and even if I did retex or remodel it wouldn't be that great. I'd rather get some1 who knows what their doing to do it so it creates a good mod for every1 rather than just me.
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