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Fcom - OOO - MMM - Fran


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I wanted to mod Oblivion with






Was wondering: Are they worth it?

The thing I noticed is the pure hell one goes through just to get them installed, and there are still issues

Can I use just some of each?

There are a few updates and the walkthroughs for installing them don't cover the updates.


So - are they worth it - or individual mods should work just as good?

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FCOM isn't another overhaul like Fran's, MMM, or OOO. It's basically a series of compatibility patches that allow those three mods along with Oblivion WarCry (and some others) to work together and not kill each other.


I am running FCOM, and to be quite honest, I'm not entirely sure of all the changes it makes. While it does take a long time to install, BOSS makes it a lot easier, and it does add a LOT to Oblivion.


There's the FCOM website. Under the "FCOM requirements and installation" section is a first time user install guide. If you have some experience installing mods, it shouldn't be too hard, though you will need to learn how to work Wrye Bash (but that's a skill every Oblivion modder should have).


It does take a while to get working, but the payoff is worth it, in my opinion. However, I'm the type of guy who chronically breaks his game installing new mods, so take my advice with a grain of salt. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif


Hope this helps!


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FCOM is completely worth it, I run it with no issues. The problem for many is getting FCOM to work in the first place, but if you can get the hang of installing it you can do it again and again without even needing to read a guide.


Of course, you don't need to use FCOM to get the majority of the overhauls, a popular combination is OOO + MMM, it's easier to install than FCOM and you get a good portion of what FCOM offers, and I know you can do Fran's + MMM as well, but I'm not sure how compatible it is nowadays with newer versions of MMM.


A very good guide to follow would be: http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=guides_mod_installation&subpage=fcom_installation_guide

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Well, the newest version of OOO is the version you want FCOM, I think. And someone has made compatibility patches for the newest version of MMM. I actually screwed up my game most recently when my computer crashed while I was trying to install them. I'm not sure where they are, but I think they're on TESNexus. I'll look for the link, but if someone else could provide it, that's probably work just as well. And while, yes, FCOM is a bit dated, it still works with most things, and it's such a popular mod that people usually will try to make their mods compatible.
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