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[LE] Standalone followers with Transparent Hair -FIX- -TUTORIAL-

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Here is a fix that I am almost 100% sure will work for those who are creating a standalone follower, whether it be through ECE OR Racemenu. The issue that started it in the first place is that I was following a Youtube tutorial on How to make a Standalone Follower with ECE at the 7:35 mark it gets confusing about how to handle the hair. The problem is, is that I left out the hairline. a good thing I've noticed with all my subsequent followers is to check them out in nifmerge to see if the hairline is within their NIF.


Tools needed.





Here is the excerpt from the real problem solver maymay1588 and I's conversation. If you ever leave of the hairline, or heck even possibly want to change hairs here is the tutorial.


"Okay, I got her working and the tutorial made, so this will be a lengthy post. Now first try following it and see if you can get her fixed and working. I will help if you run into anything you do not understand, but I will be a thorough, but to the point in the tutorial, so hopefully it is easy to follow. If it just doesn't work for you, then I will send the fix and I'll suggest you to reinstall the creation kit. So far it seems to refuse to export the hairline for you.




- Okay first, open the mod in the CK and set it to active.


Click Ok and go though the yes options that pop up.


- Once it finally loads, find a default female hair and open it.




- This is how the finished new hair should look like.



Click Ok and Yes to make the new form.


- Next, find a default hairline to open.




- This is how the finished hairline should look.




Click Ok and Yes as before.


- Go back to the first hair you made and open it.


- Find the hairline you made and add it to the head part box by clicking Ok.




- The hair you will use will now look like this, so just click okay.




- Go back to the character you made, add the new hair, and click okay.




- Finally you are ready to export the head from the CK. Be sure you save the new .esp and follow the picture.




- This is the nifmerge set up and you click merge to target.




- This is where you go to fix the hair textures in nifscope.




Okay, that should be it. Just make sure you put the new mesh after nifmerge in the follower.esp folder as the nifmerge screenshot above and do the same for the texture. Again, if you have any questions, ask. I do not mind helping someone learn at all and I am willing to do all I can. "


Also I want to add that after I followed this step by step and loaded the game, my follower had the red forhead glitch, so all I did was get her original face tint from the bugged file, overwrote the newly exported and she was perfected.


I hope this helps!


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  • 2 years later...

Could you elaborate a little more on the NifMerge and NifSkope parts?

I followed step by step, but got lost on the last two items. Don't know the programs well enough to understand exactly what is being done there.

I've created 2 followers that have semi-transparent hair. It could be a KS Hairdo's issue though: I noticed there are no .tri parts with that mod.

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