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Shojo shoto and other images


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sorry to use two posts in a row but some odd characters popped up when trying to edit my last post but I have given everyone who replied to this topic kudos as you all have helped clear things up for me :)
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I honestly have mixed oppinions But really Im thinking, that some of the images I see are on VERY thin lines.


I browse one or two user's profile to check if my assuptions are correct, 50/50 of the time they are.


The user's profile state's that the person who uploaded that image is Male and between the ages of 25 to 45.


Really thought provoking stuff.


Tho its only a handfull of Users I checked, others are teens and fems or Anime fanatics.

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I personally don't like it. Whenever I find an image of these type of girls, I get mixed opinions, but most of the time it boils down to being wrong. I just find it weird and creepy. But, I also believe players are entitled to play a game how they feel like, with some exceptions of course.
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Yes True. I make assumptions too quickly. Online and in Life too.




Still I think a Sub Catergory should be made to place all this stuff, same goes for anything else really.

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