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Mod Compatibility


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Hey Guys, It's my first time I'm going to play Dragon Age with mods and I'm wondering if all the mods I've picked is compatible with each other, I can't try it yet since I haven't installed DA:O UD yet in my computer, and even if it was installed I don't wanna mess up by doing trial and error.


Anyways, here is the list of mod:


Qwinn's Unofficial DA:O Fixpack

Ancient Elven Boots Fix

Grey Warden Runic Armor

Black Grey Warden Runic Armor

Skip The Fade

Respecialization Potion

Storage Chest

Dragon Age Redesigned

- Tucked Hair

More Hairstyles

Vibrant Colors

Dialogue Tweak


Will there be any problem? I'm also gonna be using the latest patch, the one that comes with Ultimate Edition.

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If you haven't played the game at all, it is strongly recommended that you do your first playthrough without any mods. That way you know how things are supposed to work and you can then truly appreciate what the mods do for your game. I don't see any issues with your list as long as you follow the instructions in the descriptions and readmes.


Good luck and enjoy the game :thumbsup:

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@cropes; A lot of overlap between your list and my own (although mine is a little longer! :whistling: )

While the only "item fix" I use in DA:O is the Elven Boots, I have enabled all the Bonus/DLC items from DA:O in DA:A :tongue:

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