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Snap to Grid Problems


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go to File--> Preferences and click "snap to reference".Then select "choose reference from reference window" and click on a wall piece that is already snapped. All your new pieces will now snap to that one.

Keep in mind tthat you might have to do this everytime you re-open the Geck and want to change that cell's layout.


Im not sure why this happens but sometimes the initial snap reference gets a bit off. I usually tend to work with a selected reference from the window instead when it happens.

Edited by FutureVisions
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go to File--> Preferences and click "snap to reference".Then select "choose reference from reference window" and click on a wall piece that is already snapped all your new pieces will now snap to that one.

Keep in mind tthat you might have to do this everytime you re-open the Geck and want to change that cell's layout.


Im not sure why this happens but sometimes the initial snap reference gets a bit off. I usually tend to work with a selected reference from the window instead when it happens.



Thank you, your a life saver!

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