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FOSE... just won't work!


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Before I start, I've googled, and googled, and googled... I've followed the instructions to a tee... I have the 1.7 patch, I have the latest version of FOSE, I did everything right.


I extracted the files into steam>steamapps>FO3 GOTY (not in to the data folder, as per the intructions), and when trying to launch the game with the FOSE icon, it crashes INSTANTLY. I don't even get as far as the menu where the option to play the game is given. I click it, and "Fallout3 has encountered a problem and needs to close".


I'm on Windows XP, I don't have GFWL, and I bought the GOTY edition through STEAM, and so obviously everything goes through that.


Please help, I'm running out of hair to pull out in clumps. >:(


Oh and also, I'm not using the German no gore version of the game, it's the English version. A lot of times when I have come across a thread on my google searches the problem has been because the guy with the problem has the German no gore version. Not the case here. Just thought I'd mentioned.

Edited by Aethelheim
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  • 3 weeks later...
Maybe I am pretty late, but I know what your problem may be.I am having exactly the same problems!I alredy know what is causing it, I don't have the FalloutLauncher.exe file in Steam\steamapps\common\fallout 3 goty.It would help me lots if somebody could help me on how to solve this situation.
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