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Blender does not save my uvmap


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Somehow i cannot find my way around on how to save my uvmap in blender properly. Indeed the program does "save it", it shows in blenders internal browser, but when i try to load the image, it gives me an error in the command line window (path not found), which is no wonder as it also does not show up in the windows explorer. So, has anyone an idea how to fix this?

Thanks for any input!


PS: I got the newest version from blender, the nifscripts and the

python version, that the 32bit installer requested, installed.



Saving the uvmap as tga via script does not do anything either. The command line says it finnished exporting, but i still dont see the file in the explorer. :(


Error Message Log:


"file export uv .py line 234 in export callback os.spawn , os.p no wait , beditpath.val, filepath)#


blender/python26.zip/os.py line 621 in spawn1


returnspawnmode (.....)


OS Errno 22 Invalid Argument


This comes after the finnished exporting line.

Edited by Nadimos
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I found the solution! If you have installed the program in the standard folder, as it has been stressed somewhere to do so during installation, the program has to be run in administrator mode, otherwise it wont properly save your files!!!


Edit: Now i am still having problems: It cannot find the tga files anymore. If i export a tga, all my tgas are showing in the internal browser, but when i try to load one, there is nothing to choose from.




Also the tga that supposedly gets written here (without error in the command line) does not show up in the windows explorer.


I have no idea what the culprint is.


Edit2: And now all works again.

Edited by Nadimos
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What exactly are you trying to save? a UV map itself or an image for a UV map. a UV map is saved to the modle itself, and is exported with it. a image or texture for a UV map needs to be saved seperatly and then must be changed into a .dds for Fallout 3 to recognise, this can be done in GIMP if you have the proper plug-ins.


Blender has a function to Save a uvmap to a texture so you have a template to work from when creating a texture for a given modle, but this is not nesisary to save the UV map for exporting.

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