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Additem for Inquisition


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There is one for dragon age origins, dragon age 2, I would really like to see an additem mod for dragon age Inquisition, some items and reagents aren't found even in 2 full playthroughs, or there aren't enough reagents in the first place, not even with the inquisition perks at the war table. also it can be very time consuming farming all he reagents you need to make some potions and most importantly upgrade potions. maybe there are armors and weapons that players would like to use, or even craft giving more use to the crafting stations. hence adding all the t4 mats and crafting a full t4 piece of gear. it would be nice even if i already dealt with the ending of the game.


I noticed though that even items on the wiki havent yet been givin item ids which could pose a problem. maybe include a notpad with some ids if you know them.

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I don't think the issue is the item IDs being unknown, since most have been identified and can be used with the Cheat Engine.


Rather, it is the very ability to actually implement new, user-made scripts in the game that is the impediment... DA:I doesn't even have official debug scripts, AFAIK. (And this information is, I believe, the state-of-the-state on DA:I scripting...)

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