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Race Request

The Worm

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Hey all

I need a certain race for a mod that I’m trying to get off the ground. Originally it was intended for morrowind but, once oblivion came out, I decided to convert it to the new engine.

Basically im after a humanoid fox race like the one that Sabergirl created waaay back for morrowind. Here’s a link to the original race: http://www.sabregirl.com/mods/keynari.html. (Please note that im not trying to rip off another's hard work. the picture is just a guideline for what I need the race to look like [except obviously in Obliv graphics :)].)

I suck at meshing/texturing/scripting so i need some help on this one.

I know its a steep request but if anyone out there has some spare time on their hands and wants to help, you'd earn my eternal gratitude (and a name in the credits if it ever comes out :P).

Thanks heaps

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