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Simple Cannibal perk mod possible?


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Hi guys.


So I really want to play a Bosmer with a taste for human flesh. I have searched up and down and only come up with mods that change all racials and happen to add a cannibalise perk/racial to wood elves or changes the effects of the ring that gives you cannibalism after you do the quest.


I found a console command that adds the perk and lets you feast on your fallen foe just like the ring.


player.addperk 000ee5c3


but was wondering if there is a way to auto add it as a perk for Bosmer or if its way easier just add it for all races and I can use it as I want.


as I said I Found a fair few posts with people wanting it but surprised nothing is uploaded yet that simply adds the perk to your starting perks/spells.

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Yea it has a bunch of features I really don't like... I am getting off my ass and learning creation kit and might post what I make if it works. Just a simple way characters can easily decide if they want to be a cannibal or not.


Edit: Spent the last 5 hours (felt like that long) trying to get a mod to work using creation kit (first time user), for the life of me no matter what way I do it I cannot get the Cannibalism perk to work with me. If anyone can whip something together fast (don't take too long I'll feel bad) I would be super over the moon. I really gave it a shot tried everything from starting from Magic effects and using the add perk option and worked from there, creating a spell using the effect I just created then added that spell to the woodelfs start up line, it did appear but never worked. This is while editing the DA11Cannibalism perk, making sure it is not asking for the ring I tried both less then or equal to, removing the requirements fully... I even messed around with its conditions adding a woodelf condition and removing the others and that didn't work. Yet I can easily type into the console player.addperk 000ee5c3 and it works instantly.



I don't know, I am having fun learning all this, but am really frustrated at the moment as this seems pretty basic (could be wrong), I guess I could start learning scripts and maybe add something into the mcm menu with a tick box to turn the perk on and off but was hoping for something a lot more natural as roleplaying is the whole reason for wanting it in the first place.

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  • 8 months later...

Hey, i dn't know if you are still working on one but recently made a mod that allows you to be a cannibal s a bosmer. I just added to perk to the race itself in ck. So nothing fancy really and it seems to work well. basically it is like the console command but then already integrated. You just have to go to the site that shall not be named: it's L-O-V-E-R-S-L-A-B. Remember to go to the REGULAR mods section. Do not i repeat DO NOT go to the dark side of the section unless you are prepared for it. I'm not responsible for your sanity if you do :D

Edited by terrorofskyrim
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