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Mod to Disable Stupid "To Enter VATS" message?


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I really, really HATE the fact that right before I'm about to be attacked by an enemy in Fallout 3, I get an onscreen message telling me "To enter VATS, press" this or that button.


First, I'd prefer to be surprised some times, rather than having the game warn me EVERY time I'm about to enter combat. Second, I ALREADY know what to press to enter VATS--because the game has already told me 6,000 times. Why should I be told over and over and over and over?


If there was a mod that could disable this message--without disabling other more important messages, such as "You need this lock skill in order to pick this lock," etc--that would be awesome.


Anyone know of one? Or a tweak that could disable the "To enter VATS" message?

Edited by jamesrh
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