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About endorsements...

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Article link: About endorsements...


I must say this from the beginning.

I'm sorry for my English and if someone will be offended by this article is maybe just a misunderstand.

I noticed, generally speaking, that is a HUGE gap between the number of downloads and the number of endorsements given.

I know that people could forget from where they downloaded the file ( although this is the reason why we have a friendly reminder...) or simply don't consider that the file played don't accomplish the personal standards but...when I look at numbers like thousands of downloads and just a few ( maybe around a couple of hundreds ) of the endorsements, that's is a problem.

If the community want to support the modders then something must be done...I have done a lot of modding ( not only for FO3, most for Unreal engines ) and the same problem.

I saw ( and speak ) with many gifted modders who simply abandoned the modding because of this poor response.

If someone want to play a mod for a game, after finish that mod, maybe try to think about the effort put in that mod ( time, money, imagination, hard work ) and show a sign of appreciation to that person.

No matter what kind of mod, after thousands of downloads that person deserve a sign of appreciation.

Otherwise, we will see many modders abandoning...and it will be a lost, and finally the death of that game.

It so simple...just common sense, if you like , show your appreciation.

Everyone who play a modded game must understand a fact : that mod is a creation of someone in his free time.

Is not payed for that, is not a big shot corporation ( so maybe hi could not answer to questions in due time or exact ), hi have not a public relations department and maybe had a bad day at work.

To conclude, and I sincerely don't want to patronize nobody ( or to impose ) : you want good mods...support them by endorsing.


Hopping I was not misunderstand, I wish you all the best.


PS. I really await for the quote " A rating system that's actually useful "...it will be war...lol.





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  • 1 month later...

Well at first I must say that is bad that you had to write this article. It is a correct point of view and I'm mostly agree with it, but apart from community problem there is also a site usability problem.

I can provide as example "Gothic" series russian forums and ag.ru forums. All found bugs and their solutions are added at header of specific topic's first page and hidden in spoilers, so when there is a problem there is place where it can be found easily. Here we have a bunch of pages for a mod and a not very good searching, so there can be many times the same question about "where is that trinket?". The another problem is laziness. Many are simply too lazy to find maybe their question already have an answer. From my searching engine experience I can say that the above statement is almost always true, so I almost always don't need to ask on forums about something, because answer is already present somewhere.

For endorsements problem I can say that is also a mixed problem. Many just forget to endorse some mod. Others might just be very mad because they have faced bugs in a mod and this mean that mod is not worthy to be endorsed. Another problem in my view is that many users don't really understand how hard and time consuming is to make a mod like yours e.g. and above this adding to mod a good story, gameplay elements, balancing it and also taking in count all conflicts with other mods and taking in count that modder isn't payed for all this, all these together bring another view on mods creation, but this is the community...

Endorsement system here is pretty inefficient, but as far as I know nexus sites are "maintained through advertising and voluntary donations", thus is provided "as is", so we have what we have... I have just looked here: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8340. EVE is a great visual mod and even if it has more that 1000 endorsements, it has more that 50000 unique downloads (if I understand correctly), so this seems to be a global problem.


P.S. For your case I think a problem is not very deep testing. Maybe is better first to give mod to a small testing group in this case answering to ten people is not the same as answering to a hundred and another point is that tester is suppose to be more responsible and have a serious attitude of what he's doing. Thanks for your mods and good luck!

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You have do a really nice mods ,really cool your mods and have many people who liked your work ,but man ,your act of stop of do the last part of story of your mod just for doesnt have enough endorsements balanced with the downloads ,is just ridiculous.


The people is lazy to go back and endorse the file ,I know that because I do this ,most of time ,only endorse THE REALLY **** mods (and THINK man ,we have now the New Vegas ,mostly of people is now concetrate in this game ,so is normal the people access the fo3nexus is low this time) ,but in my opinion you have act like a really stubborn and selfish child ,you have be so blind for gain "fame"(Or endorsements/downloads) with your mods than your forgot FOR WHO is the mod ,and this who is YOU!!


Come on man ,admit ,you really spend your time in making a mod (what takes months ,maybe years),just for gain fame/endorsements?

You doesnt have pleasure in play your own mods with pride than you have do a really good work?

Think about ,you are making the mod for you own satisfaction or do only for the satisfaction of others?

Because do a mod with you dont liked or dont enjoy do just for gain fame in numbers ,is weird.


In my opinion ,making mods is for just fun ,happiness and pleasure for the modder ,not because a damn numbers!!


You have do mods for yourself to bring satisfaction for see you have do nice work ,and more ,YOU HAVE PEOPLE WHO REALLY LIKED and give you support and motivation to go on ,you cant just give up for just a damn numbers!!!


If you are tired of making mods ,just say that ,or say you doesnt have much time to do this ,or tired of this ,anything like this ,we will understand ,but say you have stop because this numbers ... give me a break.


Well ,that is my opinion ,rightly have bigger errors of english ,but I hope you get it what I say and want to mean.

I just want you think about ,you do this mod for gain own satisfaction or for gain numbers?

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Many downloads are by 'guest' accounts. These are people who have not signed up to be members. They tend to be young and insensitive wanting only instant gratification. They cannot comment or endorse until they sign up. That accounts for a large group of non rating downloads.


Then we have those who only sign up thinking they will get more mods than those who don't - or to ask a single question - then are gone again never to return. The do have the rights to comment and endorse, but won't for the same reason as above.


And we do have quite a few members who like the first category are insensitive and only want the mod without the 'bother ' of endorsing it.


Many people just forget. That's why we have the reminder.


Once we did allow instant endorsements and it was a joke. most endorsements came from people who never bothered to download or before they played the mod. - "It has a picture of a nekked chick so I give it a 10, even though I don't play that game," or "I don't like mods that change eyes, so even though I'm not going to download it I give it a 1" http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f351/charonn0/ohgeez-1.gif It was supposed to be a 1 to 10 rating system 95% of the ratings were either a 1 or a 10 with 5% being in between. And we had rating wars between mod authors - downrating other people's work to move their own up in the top lists. Making multiple accounts to trash other people's mods and praise their own.


The endorsement system we have now is designed to take out as many of those as possible. But it does result in fewer endorsements because people cannot endorse instantly - before they try it.

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I have to admit that i am one of the many who have not endorsed every mod file that i enjoyed.


Sometimes i go back and endorse mods i havent endorsed before, but often it turns out i did not login to download it so i login and redownload it and then i have to wait to endorse it.

I also forget what i was doing during the waiting period.

Maybe getting automatically logged in at all nexus sites if u log in at one of them would increase endorsements.


I think it is a good and beneficial strategy to make sure the mod you upload is at least 2 mb.

Now you must log in to download it so the downloader wont have a problem endorsing it.

It has an added benefit of making more people want to register on nexus and maybe become more involved on the community.


If u have a small accesory mod for example, recoulor em or package with another of your things to get over 2 mb. then add a screenshot with download if necessary.


I know how much work can be involved in making a mod so I do feel that modders deserve to have more and more endorsements to make them happy!


Also it would be nice to have some additional recognition system for modders resources. Some of them is just that special gem that when incorporated into a mod is shining brightly!

The creator does know as a modders resource it will not be a popular file as only the creator of a mod can use it.


I do want to be able to learn more about the people who have created something special behind the scenes.

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  • 1 month later...

I think the important thing, or really gratifying is that people enjoy our creations. And what the really valuable is the wealth that accumulates together in Nexus. There are mods very bad, very good, modest, complex .. but all enrich the game, at least more than the void. In addition, each user has his own tastes and predilections, variety for variety. I doubt that there orphans mods.


In my case, I do mods because I enjoy it. Endorse not return the time or energy to devote to my work. But there are two things that if do, be satisfied with what I give birth, and know that people around the world takes advantage for free. Just because they have access to them and look interesting or attractive.


The Endorses are well, are a nice addition, but I think he is nothing critical. The people who think mods rain from the sky, now learn the value of his, have when they try to make your own mod. You enjoy your creations, you enjoy the mods, you enjoy the games. And everyone is happy.



Yes, my english is really amazing. x_D Sorry of course. I hit my head in childhood. Very strong. Really.. very strong.

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