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Changing Face of a Char with Tes4Edit


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Hello Guys,


i recently started Modding, but my CS always crashes.

So I used Tes4Edit.


I Wanted to Change the NPC Race of a certain Mod, because they look very let's say Ugly.

So i used TES4EDIT to change the custon Race of a certain NPC to another Custom Race, which didnt cause any Problems.


Now heres the first problem:

I Wanted to change the apperance of that NPC so it would look exactly like another NPC that's why i copied all FaceGen data via Tes4Edit from one to another

which caused my game to crash.

But why? or is there another solution?



I Changed the Custon Race to Cute Elves,

but whenever i talk to that NPC his mouth won't move, it stays shut you can say.


So can anybody help me?

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