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Gamer exercise


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I think the plugin you're looking for might be the 'Dolly_The_Sheep' mod by Roslin_Modder_Dude.


It introduces a new scriptfunction 'SetCloneCount'.




And if you're from my area, it can help if you start getting *ahem* lonely. :lol:

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White Wolf, according to your profile, you live on Vardenfell. I suppose it is bleak and empty in places. I have two suggestions. One, move. If you are particularly fond of sheep New Zealand could be an answer to your dreams. Alternatively if the sheep are merely incidental, pop into the Eight Plates at Balmora. I'll stand you a sujamma and introduce you to a couple of 'Dollys' from Suran.


And as this thread is about exercise, I should add that they will give you a good work out!

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White Wolf, according to your profile, you live on Vardenfell. I suppose it is bleak and empty in places. I have two suggestions. One, move. If you are particularly fond of sheep New Zealand could be an answer to your dreams. Alternatively if the sheep are merely incidental, pop into the Eight Plates at Balmora. I'll stand you a sujamma and introduce you to a couple of 'Dollys' from Suran.


And as this thread is about exercise, I should add that they will give you a good work out!



I have thought of moving to Scotland, where there are plenty of sheep, but the closest I can get is a ship to Solstheim, but it's a bit cold even for sheep there. :P

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Get Fit While Playing Games

Jeff’s surefire, five-point plan to give you the body you want. By Jeff Green

Hi there, gamers! This month I’d like to talk to you about your health. Chances are, if you’re spending a great chunk of your free time hunkered behind your computer playing games, you’re probably not eating right or getting the proper amount of exercise. Am I right? To find out, read the following two statements and see if they apply to you. Don’t cheat-you’ll only be cheating yourself!

Yes or no:

1. I have avoided upgrading my video card for the past four years because I can’t bend over to reach my PC.

2. On airplanes, I always get my own row.

If you answered yes to either of the above statements, then I’m sorry to say that you have a problem. But chins up, Porky. Dr. Green is here to help.

Not long ago, I was just like you. I know it’s hard to believe, looking at me now. But the truth is, since starting at CGW six years ago, I have put on about twenty pounds. I blame it on many things. Job stress, age, global warming. The wife, bless her, blames something more specific: “It’s because you sit on your ass all day playing computer games.”

An oversimplification, to be sure. Yes, I do sit on my ass all day, and yes, most of the time I’m playing computer games. But the fact is, I am incredibly active, even while gaming. How so? Glad you asked. Using my own carefully designed health and exercise plan, I have shaved away literally ounces of excess weight, and have returned my heart rate to a zone that my doctor says, “no longer requires immediate hospitalization.”

And now you too can enjoy similar results. Follow the five-point plan below, and I guarantee that you too will be healthier and happier, without compromising your lifestyle as a hardcore gamer.

1. Get up for beer/donut breaks yourself.

It was a hard habit to break, but I finally stopped using the megaphone by my PC to yell, “Hey woman-beer me!” Now, instead, I hoist myself out of my chair to retrieve more food supplies myself-and the results have been miraculous. Take this one slowly at first, but keep it up and soon you’ll be like me, retrieving beer and donuts in two separate trips.

2. Do yoga while playing.

Not only does this not require much physical motion, but it’s trendy. Go to an internet café and play Age of Empires in downward facing dog position, and just watch the ladies stare! For even better results, try this naked.

3. Attach tiny free-weights to your fingers for gaming.

I’ve patented this idea and will soon be selling the weights over the Internet at amazingly low prices, just for you. The idea is that you attach a tiny dumbbell to each finger, so that while you’re at your PC, your fingers get a vigorous workout with each keypress. I’ve been doing this for months, and you should see the results. Sure, the rest of me is flabby and atrophied-one thing at a time!-but my fingers are totally ripped.

4. Play PC sports games.

More than half of being “athletic” is being able to talk the talk. Never lifted a football in your life? Think “The Big Unit” is something you watch on Cinemax? Listen up, Frodo. Log off EQ and force yourself to play Madden or High Heat.

5. Eat at subway.

Normally I don’t like to endorse products by name, what with the whole annoying “ethics” thing we journalists have. But in this case, I’m willing to stretch the rule. Ever since I saw those TV commercials of that big oaf who got thin by eating at Subway, I’ve been a believer. Now I eat nothing but 25-inch hoagies three times a day, and I recommend you do too. I haven’t seen ant tangible results so far, but hey, I know that TV doesn’t lie.

So, what are you waiting for, tubby? Put down the vat of Ben and Jerry’s and get with the program. You’ll game better, you’ll live longer, and-most important-the ladies will love you for it. And isn’t that what being a computer gamer is all about?



(cut from of a magazine i get monthly)

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