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Gun Dmg adjustment question


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Hej everyone,


this is probably something realy easy for most of you guys but i just seem to keep doing it wrong.


Im playing with a low level character but want to use all the great weapon skins so many people make.

Problem is, they are so powerfull that it is not fun to play with them early on without changing its damage/s


Now in the geck i can find locations and weapons and place them in the world,


but when i try to change the values of a weapon skin (like the m14 and such) it seems to be ok.

But when i save i can't overwrite the mod i have downloaded, so try to save it on another name, place it in the data folder and make sure its on.


But when i want to use the weapon, it is still at the same dmg values.


Can someone please tell me what im doing wrong.


I would like to be able to do this with vanilla weapons as well.

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well, if i understand you correctly, than something doesn't make sense at all

i mean, when you say you love the new weapon skins, i assume you mean retextures, right??

because these mods don't come with plugin files, so they don't change the weapons' damage


however, changing a weapons' damage is rather easy to do

open the GECK, and load the plugin you want to modify (if you want to change it in the plugin, make it the active file, but this is NOT RECOMMENDED)

now, in the side menu, enter the Items tab, and then the Weapon tab

then open the Weapons tab, and select the category of the weapons, in order to find the weapon you want to change (do note, that in some plugins, the weapons will be added in a different tab than the Weapons tab, so try seeing where the weapon you want to change is)


after you have located the weapon, right click on it, and click Edit

in the window that is opened, you will see that there are several tabs to open, and the first being Game Data

in that tab, the second value on the right is Damage

just change the value to something that you will like more (do note that the damage of a weapon increases, depending on your skill with such weapons)

after you have modified the damage, click the OK button, then save (if asked to create a plugin, just name it and save)

if you have created a plugin, just activate it, and that should be that


one last note

if you have two plugins that change the same weapon, only one will affect the weapon

so if you have a mod (lets say the moddable uniques mod) that changes a weapon you have changed (let's say Maria), just load the mod in the GECK, and re-create your plugin, and save as a different plugin (don't modify plugins unless you know what you are doing, and have made backups)


sorry for the long answer

hope this helps :)

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Sorry for the long answer??


Thank you for the long answer! haha


I tried what u said, dont realy know how it went wrong last time, but your description worked like a charm!!


Realy like knowing how to change dmg now, thats the one thing i hated about having fallout 3 on x360,, no modding ( well for me that is)


Thank allot kudos!

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