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Mesh doesn't works


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Hey guys!

I just wanted to try out adding a new mesh to new vegas, so I took one of these doors from Dead Space:




I exported it as an FBX-File, converted it to a 3DS and opened the 3DS with NIF-Skope:




I saved it as an NIF-File and wanted to add it to New Vegas with the G.E.C.K. , but there it looks like this:




Please, can somebody help me?

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I would pop open another nif for a door from the game. Your object has a lot of problems with is it basic structure. Your texture file also needs to be present. Though if it were a simple texture problem the item will still show up in the GECK preview.


Your Item should look something like

0 BSFadenode                                       (Root of the object)
     1 BSXFlags                                     (Not necessary but usually present)
     5 bhkCollisionObject                        (Parent Collision data, Points to Rigidbody and Root object)
                9 bhkRigidBody                    (Defines collision information, such as mass, and collision type)
                      12bhkBoxShape             (Defines the material type, and the coordinates of the collision box)
                0  BSFadeNode                    (Is added to show what object the collision is attached to)
     14  NiNode                                      (A root, not neccisary, can contain 1 or more NiTriStrips sets)
            15 NiTriStrips                            (A Object set, contains location and rotation of object.)
                    17  BSShaderPPLightingProperty               (Contains Shader Information)
                                19  BSShaderTextureSet               (Contains the DDS path for skin, Alpha Layer, LOD info)
                    22  NiMaterialProperty          (Contains information for light emmitance, glossyness, and opaqueness)
                    24 NiTriStripsData                 (Contains the object triangle data, and stuff like that)




Thats just a basic item, there or other ways to do it, and since you are creating a door, it will need to include open and closing animation info, and stuff like that. I have only ever created one animated object from scratch, and it took weeks, and was only finished when a blender tools update was pushed and let me output more of the info I needed.

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Yeah, I know that the door needs animationfiles to work, but first I just wanted to add as a Static Object...just for testing it.


Your Item should look something like

0 BSFadenode                                       (Root of the object)
     1 BSXFlags                                     (Not necessary but usually present)
     5 bhkCollisionObject                        (Parent Collision data, Points to Rigidbody and Root object)
                9 bhkRigidBody                    (Defines collision information, such as mass, and collision type)
                      12bhkBoxShape             (Defines the material type, and the coordinates of the collision box)
                0  BSFadeNode                    (Is added to show what object the collision is attached to)
     14  NiNode                                      (A root, not neccisary, can contain 1 or more NiTriStrips sets)
            15 NiTriStrips                            (A Object set, contains location and rotation of object.)
                    17  BSShaderPPLightingProperty               (Contains Shader Information)
                                19  BSShaderTextureSet               (Contains the DDS path for skin, Alpha Layer, LOD info)
                    22  NiMaterialProperty          (Contains information for light emmitance, glossyness, and opaqueness)
                    24 NiTriStripsData                 (Contains the object triangle data, and stuff like that)


That's a lot of information, but I'm not really sure what I should do with that, is that the way how it should looks like in the NifSkope?

And how do I get these "NiTriStrips" ?

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I'm using 3DS Max 2010, XSI Mod Tool 6.01 and 7.5, there are no plugins for these programs to export meshes as NIF-Files, so if you are using Blender I think I'll try it out too.

Thanks for your patience with me ^^


EDIT: Ok, I used Gmax to export the 3DS as an NIF.

I opened it again with NIF-Skope and now it looks like this:




NiTriStips and all that stuff are now in, but in the G.E.C.K. it still looks like this:




Is it possible that I need to edit the NIF with NifSkope in some way?

Edited by aliensoldier
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Yeah, I know where to download NIF-Plugins for 3DS Max, but the problem is that I'm using 3DS Max 2010, the plugins are just for version 5 - 9...

Do you edit your meshes with NIF-Skope after exporting them to make'em work?

I don't get it...

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