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Auto Lock Door Script


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Hello, Darryl here.


Could someone help me sort this script out.


I'm making house mod that's in the gameworld and not a seperate cell but I don't know how to auto lock a door, I know a little of scripting but not a lot.


The door has a key for the player only, there's already a script in the game that allows NPC's to auto lock doors but it stops the player, I have taken this and modiified it to what I thought would work but alas it doesn't.


I've attached a picture of thier script (top) and my modifed script (bottom).


I hope I get some replies.


Yours truely.


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If i'm right then the set openstate 0 is used to close the door.

I'm not great at scripting but maybe this might work.. :unsure:


Begin OnActivate


if isActionRef Player == 1

lock 2

SetOpenState 1




if isActionRef Player == 0

lock 2

SetOpenState 0








hopefully this works

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Hey Darryl,


I had the same need awhile ago and used the OnClose function as a trigger to reset the lock status (255). Any item that has an animated close sequence can use the OnClose function. I will post a copy of my super simple script tonight when I get home from work.

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So, what I did was create a duplicate door form and added the following script:


Scn ModAutoLock


Begin OnClose ModMyArmoryDoor


ModMyArmoryDoor.Lock 255




I then used this object and set it to be default locked and associated it with a key.


I've seen this done a bunch of different ways; they all worked but few were this elegant ;)

Edited by maxrsp
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