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CTD when using speel or weapon


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Hey guys. I got a big Problem.

At some areas I get a CTD when I use a weapon or a spell. If I want to fight, I must unequip my weapon and kill the enemy with my fists. And it seems that in every profile the areas in that this happens are different. For example: On Profile A you can use spells and weapons in the Impereal Palace. But in Profile B you´ll get a CTD.

I think it could be the problem of one of the mods I´ve installed. But before testing I wanna know if the problem could maybe be caused of another problem.


PLS help!


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My first guess, without seeing your LO, would be Deadly Reflex 5. If you installed Deadly Reflex 5 without the Hotfix then it's known to cause CTD's just like you describe.


THX! I think you´re right. If I remember correct it started happening when I installed DR5.


THX again!

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