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Fallout: Yosemite - Discussion


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Hello there! Welcome to the discussion thread of Fallout: Yosemite!

This is the page where all OOC (out of character) matters should be posted. No OOC posts should go in the RP thread.

This RP will be taking place in Yosemite National Park in the year 2197, 120 years after the bombs dropped. Our story will be beginning with a group of vault dwellers from the newly-opened Vault 32, located underneath Yosemite National Park, behind one of its many waterfalls.

Vault 32 was designed to test how humans accustomed to food and water dispensers, white walls, electric lights, and modern amenities would react to and integrate with nature after being kept inside for a full generation. The original inhabitants of Vault 32 were politically important people, and they went into the vault knowing exactly what would happen to the future generation. After 120 years, the food, water, and electricity is to be cut off permanently after the vault doors open, and time is ticking.

Our vault dwellers will have each learned the basic survival skills based on a test they took at the age of 16 which determined which survival skill they held a natural talent for. These test results will serve as your character sheets. The template for them is as follows:





Karma (Alignment):


(Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, Luck - Each should be on a scale from 1-10)

Tag Skills:

(This should be 3 skills your character is best at. The list of skills is as follows: Barter, Energy Weapons, Explosives, Guns (Please specify small or big guns), Lockpick, Medicine, Melee Weapons, Repair, Science, Sneak, Speech, Survival, and Unarmed.)





Lisnpuppy's RP rules are a guideline for the behavior expected from people who enter this RP.

1) Have fun. If you are finding yourself always irritated or unhappy...then why are you here. Figure out the issue or go do something else.

2) Never forget the line between RP In Character and Out of Character and don't cross it. It is easy, especially when you have particularly intense RP, to take things personally. Don't....99% of the time it isn't all about you.

3) Start with a well made character. Have a decent background and personality to make your RP more fun and easier. Your character doesn't have to be set in stone. But having a solidly made character is important or your RP may peter out. Have your character have likes/dislikes, goals, dreams, an arch-enemy....this will help you flesh them out even more and bring them to life.

4) Relationship RP should be the ICING not the CAKE! Make it a side-quest if you will...not the main one.

5) You have to give a little to get a little. We all have RP storylines in which we want others to engage. That is what makes it fun, right? But if you find a friend knee-deep in a RP of their own, don't come in and hijack the RP for yourself or refuse to participate because its not all about YOU. Have fun and throw your lot in with them! Trust me, when your time comes around, people will remember that you play well with others.

6) Don't be a MaryJane! Don't decide that you are going to be a half-dragon or the long-lost illegitimate son of the King of Whoville. It doesn't work, it probably isn't in the lore anywhere, and it will lead only to your RP downfall. Eventually your “special” character will begin to dominate everyone else and their RP. No one will want to play with you...so make your character special in other ways.

7) No godmoding!! Remember, you only control YOUR character and not others. When you RP, do not take over the actions of other Rpers.

For example: Jon casts a frostbolt at Matt knocking him back into the wall and breaking his arms.

Instead try: Jon cast a frostbolt hoping to hit Matt and knocking him out of the way.

This allows the other player to take action. You can have decided before hand how this will go out. You can roll to see what actions happen or how bad an injury is.

8 )Soap Opera-ing. Many of us have wanted to play our character as crazy, a total badass or having an illness or amnesia. Those can all be valid and fun stories. The doom is in taking it too far or too long. These kind of stories ultimately leave little RP options for those around you. Always have movement and a goal in your RP...otherwise it goes nowhere.

9) Be willing to RP with anyone, anytime. Just because you are in a guild or Rping with a friend doesn't mean you can't include others. Walk-Up RP can lead to great things...or simply pass the time for a bit. If others don't RP EXACTLY like you...no sweat. Perhaps they are new and need some gentle guidance. So be open to everything!

10) Communication is the key. Always establish your RP boundaries when you are Rping with someone long-term. If you don't like swearing...or a particular kind of violence...or if you will take anything coming down the pike! Let others know. It avoids awkward and unpleasant conversations later.

A few additional rules that you should consider:

11) There will be no main characters or existing characters (NPCs) from Fallout or other universes. No exceptions.

12) Remember we are all starting as low level characters. Our skills are going to grow over time, and we're not going to start out as legendary warriors. The strongest characters we're likely to see are ones we're facing up against. Our aim isn't going to be perfect, and our siills aren't going to be very honed.

13) No strong sexual content. It's not MY rule, it's the site's rule. If you want sexy time, PLEASE do so in PM, not in my thread.

14) THE MAIN CHARACTER LIMIT IS FOUR PER PERSON, UNTIL SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. Side characters are allowed, but they must not be a permanent part of the story.

It is very important to add that we should take turns posting. There should be no double-posting or one-liner posts that go back and forth between two people. If someone has not replied to you within two days, send them a PM... Real life may be in the way, or they may have not noticed it was their turn.

The leaders of this RP are myself and Flipout6.

Lastly, I leave you with a link to the Fallout Wiki:

And a link to a map of Yosemite:

Edited by tokyobiohazard
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I'd like to introduce you to our first character, Caden Grayson.


Name: Caden Grayson
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Race: Asian
Karma (Alignment): Neutral
Tag Skills: Guns, Survival, Medicine
Interests/Ambitions: Working out, Proving his worth to his people.
Appearance: Caden is of average height, with a leanly muscular build, gained by working out in the Vault's exercise room after being bullied for his looks. His face is very feminine, with large brown eyes, a small nose, and full, but scarred lips, from a nasty punch in the face he got last year. A messy crop of dark brown hair sits atop his head, in no particular style.
Personality: Caden has few friends, but he is loyal to the ones he has. He is friendly, once he trusts someone. Caden watches out for himself, more than anything, however, a trait given to him by his grandparents. If a friend is in danger, and it means putting himself in harm's way, he will regretfully decline helping them.
Background: Growing up the grandson of a man who once ran for president, but lost due to his grandmother's Asian lineage, Caden is no stranger to conflict, and his grandparents drilled into his head that no matter where you go, people are going to oppose you and disagree with you.
Their daughter, his mother, was one of the most coveted women in the vault; a vault celebrity, of sorts. His father, however, was unknown. Caden's feminine looks he received from his mother have been the bane of his existence. Heavily bullied by the other children for both his looks and for not having a father, Caden took up exercising to make his body look more masculine, a petty reason for getting in shape, considering he knew the vault was opening up in a year's time. He simply considered that a bonus.
And now that the vault's "grand opening" is coming up, he feels it's almost his time to shine.
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Name: Lancer Shay

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Race: Irish

Karma (Alignment): Neutral (Lawful Neutral).

SPECIAL: Strength ~ 6, Perception ~ 7, Endurance ~ 4, Charisma ~ 2, Intelligence ~ 5, Agility ~ 9, Luck ~ 7

Tag Skills: Melee Weapons, Sneak, Unarmed

Interests/Ambitions: Lancer enjoys activities such as meditation, sparring, and practicing the Vault’s parkour course; his only current goal is to prepare for what his fellow Vault 32 inhabitants have dubbed the “grand opening,” as he does not expect the event to occur without issue.

Appearance: Lancer stands remarkably tall at 6’3” although his scrawny, lithe physique exerts a facade of weakness. His short, silky black hair hangs in an unkempt manner, and his gaze is best described a cold stare of mossy gray. In regards to facial characteristics, Lancer inherited his father’s chiseled features and his mother's eyes.

Personality: Lancer maintains an impenetrable exterior of abrasiveness and contempt. He rarely shares his opinion on matters, and he is not the most lighthearted of individuals. Such an unwelcoming demeanor is likely caused by the bullying Lancer endured because of his family's infamy in Vault 32, inherent accent, and tall, thin appearance. However, beneath his thorny exterior is a peaceful spirit who enjoys physical activities such as sparring and exercise as well as mental activities such as meditation and even the occasional pursuit of knowledge. Should one hope to befriend Lancer, the more clever of individuals might bypass his external frigidity by simply partaking in the activities he enjoys.

Background: Lancer’s heritage traces back to his grandfather, Aidan, who was the first Shay to occupy the Vault. Aidan Shay was a proud, respected military operative who had earned his place among Vault 32’s sneering politicians over a hundred years ago. However, Aiden’s prestige did not pass on to Mercer Shay, Lancer’s father. Mercer was considered a scourge and a freeloader of Vault 32, and one of his many short-lived relationships resulted with Lancer’s birth. Consequently, Lancer was raised by his father and grandparents, at least until his grandfather and grandmother passed away in his early teens. Now with no one but his hermit of a father, Lancer prefers solitude over companionship.

Edited by FreemasonGamer
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Alright folks, here's my character, pending Toky's approval :cool:



Name: Jessica Springs


Gender: Female


Age: 20


Race: Hispanic


Karma (Alignment): Good/Lawful Good




Strength - 7
Perception - 7
Endurance - 6
Charisma - 4
Intelligence - 5
Agility - 6
Luck - 5


Tag Skills: Small Guns, Unarmed, Melee Weapons


Interests/Ambitions: Jessica is perfectly at home within the ranks of Vault 32's security force, despite being its newest addition. She has taken a particular interest in putting a stop to all the bullying that has afflicted some of her fellows over the years. Despite the enthusiasm with which Vault-Tec has presented the vault's "Grand Opening," Jessica isn't sure what they'll find outside and has a bad feeling that it won't be anything nearly as good as they've been led to believe. When she's out of uniform and not training herself in the gym, Jessica secretly holds a love of music and will spend hours sitting in a chair and listening to some of the Vault's musical archives, to the point where she occasionally catches herself humming a tune under her breath.


Appearance: Jessica's appearance is nothing noteworthy. She has plain features, with a small button nose and a fairly strong jawline, tan skin, and jet-black hair that's extremely short, having been buzzed off with an electric razor, military-style. She's a little tall, standing at about 5'10", with a thick but powerful frame and broad shoulders, if little in the way of defined musculature. Her green eyes are sharp and take in everything, part of her security training.


Personality: Despite her efforts to make herself more personable, Jessica still retains an air of aloofness left over from when she was a teenager, which is somewhat off-putting to those who wish to speak to her. As soon as it's broken - which isn't very difficult to do - she's relatively friendly and a little talkative. She believes in most of the Vault's rules and will enforce them readily, but would prefer to solve problems peacefully. She believes that rules are what make people civilized, a result of both Vault indoctrination and being descended from overzealous militant patriots. Some of this zealousness has rubbed off on her, and she can be quick to lay down the law if things get out of hand, the former of which is something she's also trying to get rid of. She has a bit of a soft spot for the victimized, and deeply regrets the time when he was one of the people adding to their woes.


Background: Jessica Spings is the granddaughter of one of the United States' most influential and headstrong politicians, which is what got the Springs family secured into Vault 32. She was a brat growing up, spoiled and snobbishly arrogant. Her refusal to see anyone as better than herself led to her picking- and beating on- those she saw as threatening to her, and lording any superiority she saw within herself over everyone else. This continued, encouraged by her similarly self-important parents, until she was 15, which was when she developed the desire to join the security force and was flatly refused for her behaviour, giving her a well-needed reality check that led to her critically examining herself and growing up some, putting her bullying self behind her in favor of a more compassionate approach. It was very difficult for her to move past this early-on, but gradually she's turned from a bully into a stand-up Vault citizen who does her best to keep the malevolent in line. After having learned to look at all the pain she's caused, bullying her fellows is far and away Jessica's biggest regret, and she tries to make amends where she can. Still, her old reputation haunts her at times, and can make it difficult for her to do so.

Edited by Flipout6
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Name: Angelique "Angel" LeFavre
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Race: Caucasian (French Canadian)
Karma (Alignment): Good (Lawful Good)
Strength - 3
Perception - 5
Endurance - 4
Charisma - 6
Intelligence - 9
Agility - 7
Luck - 6

Tag Skills: Science, Repair, Melee Weapons


Interests/Ambitions: Angelique is an introvert, meaning that being around a lot of people in an enclosed area with no escape drains her of her patience and, as a result, her politeness. That makes things rather awkward and tense for her in Vault 32. Fortunately for her, most people in the Vault are content to leave her well enough alone at the first warning. Angel finds a haven in working with technical things - computers, robotics, and the like. She repairs for luxury items and tinkers as a hobby, occasionally building her own small devices, even if she just ends up breaking them back down in a few days. She has ambitions of building a massive supercomputer like the one her great-grandfather invented before the bombs.
Appearance: Angel is a small, petite young woman of about 5'2'' in height. She is very slight with a thin frame, and her face is a bit longish. She has a long, straight nose, a thin but well-shaped mouth, and large baby-blue eyes. She wears her straight, glossy, chocolate-brown hair in a thick ponytail at the base of her neck, and it reaches down to the middle of her back, between her shoulder blades. Her posture is hardly ever relaxed, and she maintains a rigid air of distance, especially with strangers.
Personality: Angel has a quiet personality, preferring to keep to herself as much as possible. When she does interact with others, she is generally taciturn, only speaking as much as necessary, and usually with a detached flatness that deters any further engagement. When entirely engrossed in her work, she is often off in her own world, and it may take several callings of her name to break her out of her reveries.

Background: Angelique is the great-granddaughter of the inventor of the first ZAX supercomputer, which made its debut in 2054. That impressive feat alone was enough for her great-grandfather to secure both his and his posterity's position in Vault 32. As the generations have worn on, interest in the LeFavre family's technical exploits has waned, but with the grand opening of the vault coming up soon, Angel has hopes that such things will soon change.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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