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Legion with pants


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I know what you're thinking, "They take after the roman empire's soldiers, they didn't have pants, so niether should the Legion",


Well yeah, but the roman's weren't subject to random Sandstorms and CONSTANT need for protection. Legion soldiers are living in a nationwide desert, they need some sort of armor for their legs to keep them in fighting shape.


Here's my peeve. The legion armor from the waist up looks terrific. I LOVE it. However, I do not see shorts as an ample means of leg protection. Granted that it may work well for explorer's, the common foot soldier, veterans, Vexillari, Centurions, Decanus, and anything else wielding a machete on the frontlines needs as much as it can get.


I have absolutely no modeling skill whatsoever. So here's my idea, why not cut the pants from varied Merc clothing and/or armors, shorten the kilts on the armor's to about just below buttox length, and slap those comfy pantolones on the armor? A retexture here and there, and you've got some decent looking, and practical, armor. Here's how I see it.


Explorer = Fine as-is.

Decanus (Veteran and Recruit) = Merc medic pants. They seem to be pretty violent-like, a blood splatter will do them good.

Recruit = Grunt pants

Veteran's = Cruiser (Veteran armor looks the nicest imo, and the long, flared, black, and chain pants give off an experienced vibe)

Centurion = Metal legs (do I need to explain, metal galore for these guys :o)

Praetorian = Fine as-is (They need more mobility for their hand-to-hand combat prowess)


I also personally feel that some of the armor could do with some long sleeves, but that's a story for another time :)


If I left anything out, please tell me. I hope other's feel the same way that I do. Maybe I can get the ball rolling on this thing c:

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Bah, no self-respected Roman Man would dress in women's clothes, like pants. Only those confused barbarians up north do that kind of offense to proper gods-given fashion ;)


Now seriously, the Romans did have plenty of first hand knowledge of desert conditions in North Africa or in Egypt. Egypt was pretty much a thin fertile strip around the river, and desert all around. The only time that they paused to re-evaluate the need for pants and sleeves was in Dacia, as apparently a two-handed falx could go through a scutum and hack off an arm or leg if you didn't have some extra plating there. They also ordered helmets reinforced with cross-bars at that point.

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The real roman legions fought in all sorts of terrain - the Scottish Highlands, the Swiss Alps, German forests, North Africa and Egypt, Parthia .... so they did need protection. And they had it ... legion grunts, at least in Northern Europe, wore Braccae - knee length leather pants. The kilt-like affair they are usually pictured wearing was either the bottom of their tunic, or groin protecting armour, not a substitute for shorts. Alas I don't think there is a simple set of such clothing available in FONV.


Mind you the FONV Caesar (A clear crackpot) may not have known much about real roman uniforms, so didn't include the leather half-trews in the uniforms for his ersatz legions.....

Edited by Staghound
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