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Help getting ED-E back


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I have tried all I know but to no avail. Vault 22 didn't work, V. 34 nope... he vanished at Raided Farmstead. He doesn't show up anywhere on map, supposedly can now port to your companion on map by clicking on name, well it doesn't work on Boone or Varonica. I'm about done with all the quest's, Have just a few map locations left to get. Veronica got glitchy too would port with me to locations but never follow me, so I fired her and am back to Boone again. I still have ED-E's perk just wish I could get him back, as items on him I want for final battle : ( Any idea's be appreciated TY
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Have you tried the companion teleporter mod?

No thought that was in new patch? Guesss I'll go look for it. TY

I hate using this sites search, It always comes up blank for me, don't know what I could be doing wrong, fails no matter what catagory I use, in new vegas options : (

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If you are still having trouble finding him, try typing this command into the console (pressing ~)


player.moveto <ref id>, moveto player


The Ref ID for ED-E will depend on whether he is upgraded or not.

001732d1 (normal ED-E)

001732d0 (follower weapon upgrade ED-E)

001732cf (brotherhood armor upgrade ED-E)

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If you are still having trouble finding him, try typing this command into the console (pressing ~)


player.moveto <ref id>, moveto player


The Ref ID for ED-E will depend on whether he is upgraded or not.

001732d1 (normal ED-E)

001732d0 (follower weapon upgrade ED-E)

001732cf (brotherhood armor upgrade ED-E)

I have tried this but always get could not pars error, so? only thing I can figure is maybe space in spot, or capital O and not a zero IDK pisssed off spent so much time looking up so many diferent problems. SOME PEAPLE DON'T READ I GUESS, HE DOES NOT SHOW UP ON MAP, AND HAS BEEN IN VANISHED MODE FOR OVER 2 WEEKS + GAME TIME . TY for your effort tho, just venting FO3 was a breeze compared to this one, the thrill has been crushed from day one, was really hyped about this game. What a let down.

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