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Game works with MGE and mods until I use Distant Land Creator..


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Hello, I just installed Morrowind with mods + MGE according to this guide, and the game started up until I configured Distant Land Creation. I noticed when I ran the Distant Land Creation configuration that the distance blur effect didn't work and when I open the hatch to leave the boat at the beginning of the game, the screen stays black but the sound still works(no looping), forcing me to alt-tab out and close the game through task manager. What I'm wondering is, what are safe settings for Distant Land Creation because I can't seem to get Morrowind to work after running it. I noticed that after I reset the settings in MGE to default (as well as leaving the distant land creation alone), the game worked (with distance blur and all the the other mods I installed). Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks Edited by IJustWantMyDownload
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General guidelines that have worked well for me are as follows:


World texture res: 2048

World normalmap res: 1024


Mesh detail: Very High (I'd recommend going no lower than this if your pc can handle it, otherwise you end up seeing anomalies in distant landcapes).


Minimum Static Size: 150-400 (lower the better but requires more cpu/gpu the lower you set this number).


Mesh Detail: Full


Mipmap levels to skip: 2


Include Misc Objects: checked


Include interiors behaving like exteriors: checked


Include interiors with water: checked


You can enable activators if you like. It won't make or break you either way. I leave it off myself, because it makes my Ghostgate blink all weird from far away. Results may vary.


As mentioned these work well for me and should serve as a general guideline in terms of range of safety. Meaning if you still have issues after setting things this way, then it probably has something to do with an issue outside of distant land creation, such as a shader conflict. There are many things that can cause MW to bug out with Distant Land enabled other than the Distant Land Creation. Hell it can even get screwed to hell depending on what raindrop mesh you use. It'll take some trial and error to get it going right. Hope this helps you.

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