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Llethri Support for Councilor


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Hi, last day I was doing the jobs for Redoran Council and, when I came to the Llethri family, they sent me to the mines in Caldera. Nothing special about that. Ok, after some time I found a slave who told me where to find an evidence of corruption, and because I had the slave master key, I felt in debt (lol) so I freed the slave. After I got the book, I tried to give it to Llethri, but the topic doesn't go on. Another topic appeared, a job to halt the mining production. Well, I cannot finish now the two jobs, as I read on the Internet that if you free the slave before giving the evidence to Llethri in Ald'Rhun, everything will crash and you'll not be able to continue this job. Well, they seem to be right, as I did EVERYTHING I could to change it (killing bosses in Caldera, killing Llethri and respawning her...) Well, I know there are some console commands about the jobs given to you in the game. Is there anyone with which I can get back to the main quest so I can give him the book and, finally, halt the mining? I REALLY need help, the last savegame before my game crashed completely is far far away in time from the main savegame, so if any of you know how to help me... I will be so grateful.
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