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Am I going to be sorry that I did this?


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I happened onto the Orc village of Valencaryon quite by accident. They (the Orcs) were not very friendly. Neither was I. After killing off everyone (except the benign healer). I piled all their stuff in one location (to be collected later), and headed off to the quest that I was on to begin with. But it just occurred to me. What if I need to talk to one of those Orcs later in the game? I could have messed up something here.



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I assume that you are talking of the stronghold Valenvaryon? I do know that there are some Orcs living there. If that is in fact the place, then I don't think you have messed anything up. To my knowledge, none of the people there (except for the woman in the propylon chamber) have any real purpose in the game. So, you should be ok.
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It should also be mentioned that when you kill a character who plays a central role in the main quest, you usually recieve a message saying "Yo, dude, you just kiled a mucho important NPC...the world is doomed..continue or start at your last save." I may have paraphrased just a little, but that's the gist of what it says.


Moral: Wanton slaughter can give a few moments enjoyment but could cost you the game. Proceed with caution.

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For several of the members who frequent this board, it is common practice to occassionally wipe out a town or two just for sport. This is rather like Doom, Goldeneye or Vice City in that it lets one relieve stress.


Got a problem with your boss at work? Go send your chosen House's councilors to sleep with the fishes.

Don't like the way your wife yells at you? You can rest easy by destroying a Telvanni stronghold.

Frustrated with your children? Discipline them. There aren't any kids in the game.

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Very very bad, Daemarian, ;) You're a naughty boy :D


It's not so good to kill merchants - no way to sell them your loot later, you know what I mean ... I personally prefer to steal very expencive pieces, like I did with the daedric bow and ebony bracer. B) Even though it's not that difficult to sweep several ruins and get what you need from bodies of daedrae. :ph34r:

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