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What the heck!!!


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I've done so many playthoughs and part playathroughs ie. stoppped short of last battle, I've lost count, but today while playing I was travelling to the BForest to do a bit of shopping :laugh: when the journey got interrupted and I was in "Strange Wood" with a bunch of loonies banging on about getting an axe out of a stump. I can't believe that I've never ever had this interruption before, is it part of the game or some surprise scene from ? mod?
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So did you take Axameter?


Waraxe Silverite (Tier 6)

Requires: 27 strength


Damage: 9.00

Critical chance: 4.50%

Armor penetration: 5.25

Strength modifier: 1.10

+2 damage

+10 critical damage


+4 damage vs. Dragons,


It is a fairly rare encounter.

Edited by RustyBlade
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Yes I took it, feeling very bewildered.


I haven't played for a few months, but when DT was posted I dusted off the disc and decided to have another play through. Silly me I didn't think to check the Wiki, probably due to the the shell shock. o_O


I wish one woman hadn't made the comment about being queen I hadn't planned that for the end of this game, now I've got this niggling voice in my head.

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Bam scene starts, quick save in case it's a trap, grab axe, quick speech about being queen... end of... and I'm thinking ooooookkkkkk is that it then. It was over so quickly. Now I feel like I'm the female equivalent of King Arthur, I think getting a rare scene should change something in the game, but I don't suppose it will.


Definitely agree they aren't playing with a full deck, but they seem to be harmless enough. I didn't even know there was/were rare scene/s, I thought I'd heard and seen everything for human nobles.

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