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NMM Mildly screwed up my game?


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EDIT: Sorry for wasting anyone's time if they tried to figure out what my problem was. Turns out it was caused by OneTweak. This thread's solved then, I guess.


So for a while I was very reluctant to get the Nexus Mod Manager, I've always been a stickler for manual installation for most things. I just like knowing where files are going and such.

I finally caved and decided to get it because a couple mods I wanted only had NMM installation. So I got it and slowly started moving my mods over into it, for the sake of neatness and organization and such.

But since then, I've noticed two strange things happening with Skyrim.


One: The Bethesda startup video is gone. It just skips straight to the title screen. Not necessarily a bad thing, but still peculiar because I don't have any mods that remove it (as far as I know).


Two: Certain desktop things seem to pop up over my game now. Well, one desktop thing. My keyboard notifies me when capslock is turned on or off, and since using NMM, the notification has been appearing over my game, which has never happened before. That's the annoying one.


Any way I might be able to fix these issues? Are they common, and I just haven't looked hard enough?


I am using the latest SKSE, and my mod list is as follows:

(Mods with an asterisk* were added after I started using NMM. Author names will be put on mods that have generic names, and/or may have multiple versions by different people. )





Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch

Hearthfire Display Case Fix (by Krucify)

Improved Hearthfire Lighting (by Scrabbulor)

One Tweak (by virusek)

Blades Armor Fix (by Devil86)

Elemental Fury with Offhand Update* (by DylanRigney156)

Open-Faced Guard Helmets

Guard Dialogue Overhaul

LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons*

Acquisitive Soulgems

Balanced Magic (by Mysty)

Elemental Staffs* (by Carnage2K4)

Gemling Queen Jewelry*

Gemling Queen Dragon Claws*

Ruins Clutter Improved*

Rustic Soulgems (by Gamwich)

Silly Level of Detail - Potions and Poisons

Silly Level of Detail - Wine Cellar

Climates of Tamriel*

Minty Lightning + CoT Patch*

Remove Underwater Grass (by Cauug)

Splash of Rain

Supreme and Volumetric Fog

True Storms*

Auto-Unequip Ammo




I may have missed one or two that didn't have .esps that I installed prior to using NMM, but I doubt those would cause this problem anyway.

Also, to be clear, the mods are listed in the order I read them in, both in my mods folder and in NMM. Please don't mistake that for the load order.


Speaking of load orders, here's my LOOT log. This isn't really the load order I had my game set to in the first place (I just can't wrap my head fully around LOOT for the life of me, so I usually either use the default Skyrim launcher, or NMM to sort mods based on mod author suggestions and such), but I tested the game out with this load order and there was no change in the bugs I'm experiencing.




The LOOT Report requires Javascript to be enabled in order to function.
  • Skyrim.esm
    CRC: C665FD56
  • Update.esm
    CRC: E5B67BDA
    C.Location, Delev, Invent, Relev
    • Warning: Contains 92 ITM records and 3 UDR records. Clean with TES5Edit.
  • Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
    CRC: 4A395AFA
    Version: 2.0.5a
    C.Acoustic, C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.ImageSpace, C.Light, C.Location, C.Music, C.Name, C.Owner, C.Water, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Relev, Sound, Stats
  • HearthFires.esm
    CRC: AF82CE6A
    C.Location, Graphics, Invent
    • Warning: Contains 184 ITM records, 11 UDR records and 5 deleted navmeshes. Clean with TES5Edit.
  • Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
    CRC: CB70CD07
    Version: 2.1.0
    C.Climate, C.Location, C.Owner, C.Water, Graphics, Invent, Names, Sound, Stats
  • ClimatesOfTamriel.esm
    CRC: 918881A7
    Version: 3.1
  • HighResTexturePack01.esp
    CRC: D596F02A
  • HighResTexturePack02.esp
    CRC: D596F02A
  • HighResTexturePack03.esp
    CRC: D596F02A
  • Acquisitive Soul Gems.esp
  • Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
    CRC: 4B399546
  • Balanced_Magic.esp
    CRC: 77C84420
  • Elemental Staves.esp
    CRC: B0462604
  • Supreme Fog.esp
    CRC: 58B9CAD1
  • OpenFaceGuardHelmets.esp
    CRC: 3D5C6678
  • SplashofRain.esp
    CRC: 8906ABBC
    Version: 1.051
  • ElementalFuryFixNerfed.esp
    CRC: 90DECD47
  • HearthFire Display Case Fix.esp
    CRC: 2F134175
  • ImprovedHearthfireLighting.esp
    CRC: 2F84C464
  • SkyUI.esp
    CRC: 9330CAF7
    Version: 4.1
  • Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
    • Note: Do not clean. "Dirty" edits are intentional and required for the mod to function.
  • ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-6.esp
    CRC: B0B66E1D
    Version: 3.1
  • TrueStorms-ClimatesOfTamriel.esp
    CRC: EAEE163D
  • mintylightningmod.esp
    CRC: 83F77041
  • ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hazardous.esp
    CRC: BDC66F4C
    Version: 3.1-
  • ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp
    CRC: B61E85AE
    Version: 3.1-
  • MintyLightningMod_COT_Patch.esp
    CRC: F513130
Version Information LOOT Version 0.6.1 Masterlist Updating Enabled Masterlist Revision 772d8e564 Masterlist Date 2015-03-20
Plugin & Message Counts Active Plugins 27 Dirty Plugins 2 Total Plugins 27 Warnings 2 Errors 0 Total Messages 6
General Messages
  • Note: There have been no changes in the Details tab since LOOT was last run for this game.
  • Note: Latest LOOT thread.
  • Note: Your SKSE is up-to-date.
Hide Version Numbers
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Hide Bash Tag Suggestions
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Hide 'Do Not Clean' Messages
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Plugins hidden: 0 / 27
Messages hidden: 0 / 6




Sorry if this post is too rambly, I just do my best to not be one of those people that doesn't give enough info when asking for help.

That's about all I can think of to say about it. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


EDIT: Installed the latest version of LOOT, and replaced old log with the new one.


UPDATE: I also can't tab out of the game properly (the game stays up, just shows the taskbar), and my computer is allowed to go to sleep with the game up, which didn't happen before. It's like it's running Skyrim as a normal process and not a foreground process.


It appears SKSE is trying to start Skyrim in both Windowed and Fullscreen mode at the same time. Whenever I start SKSE, then check my options in the vanilla launcher, the "Windowed mode" box is ticked. However, even after resetting my resolution settings, and even after starting Skyrim with the vanilla launcher, starting SKSE resets my changes.

Starting Skyrim from the Vanilla launcher after changing the settings fixes all the issues, but starting SKSE afterward reverts all of my changes. What can I do to fix this?


UPDATE 2: Even in my Skyrimprefs.ini, whenever I start SKSE, bFull Screen=1 changes to bFull Screen=0. The heck is going on?

Edited by Crawfishness
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