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How To Become A Modder


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Another tip I've found that is a tremendous help. If you've edited a mesh and you now have "shiny" or lighter spots on your texture in game do the following to fix it. After editing and exporting your mesh from Blender, open the mesh with NifSkope. In the render window, right click the object mesh, go to Mesh then click Update Tangent Space. Now save your mesh and the spots should be gone.
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I really like the idea of this thread and hope it gets stickied.


I'm new to modding but 98% of the problems I've encountered so far I've had to solve by myself because I could find the necessary information or find any help for that matter. Although there have been a couple of people willing to try and help. Hence why I try when I can to help others.


I mean it wouldn't be so bad if the G.E.C.K. Wiki wasn't so empty in terms of descriptions or just information on the scripting functions and commands. It seems like all the functions/commands on the site I wanted/needed to learn about, had no information besides.


So my contribution


Download Google Sketchup

*Free easy to use modeling program

Google Sketchup Tutorials

*Official Google tutorials.

Modeling in Google Sketchup to FNV

*Tutorial on getting models created in Google Sketchup into FNV



Google Sketchup is quite a easy program to work with and although it has its limits, it allows you to break into modeling a little easier and create some pretty neat things. I've made various weapons in sketch up, and gotten them into FNV. Also I would watch a couple of the speed modeling videos on youtube, it might give you a little insight on techniques to use.


Also recently I was on a quest to learn how to create incendiary ammo(and other types) and found myself stumped. After screwing around for a while I finally figured out a method, and immediately created a tutorial.


Creating Incendiary Ammo Tutorial


It will teach you step by step how to create 10mm Incendiary ammo, but the method is not limited to that seeing as almost any enchantment you create can be transferred to ammo(For instance Poison Ammunition).

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Hello All.


baduk, said i should try posting here so here i am.


I am looking for anyone who can make interiors and Modelers who can Repair/New/Add-to NifSkope (.nif file) and know how to add 'Colision Data' to the NifSkope files would be a plus.


you can fin the full thread here




Thank you

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Just found a really good tutorial on how to cut holes in a model. From there it's easy to extrude it to make a peg or whatever else you need to do.


Video: Cutting a Hole in Your Mesh




On second look, this site as a whole will be an awesome tutorial site. Take a look around, I know I am going to.

Edited by kantanshi
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Actually I learnt how to mod from Oblivion tutorials.

You might be all like OH IT'S A TOTALLY DIFFERENT GAME


But you gotta remember it is made by the same company and uses a similar engine so it's editing methods are similar to Fallout (Well except that the models are usually swords and shields and armor instead of guns). But yea G.E.C.K and TESCK actually share a lot of similarities so my advice to you new modders out there refer to the TESCK wiki (TESCK Wiki).


Too bad about the GECK wiki being so empty.

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Yea its a lot similar like u said.


And for nifs, it is the best reference for you to examine vanilla nifs by using fomm to extract them from meshes.bsa and viewing in nifskope.


And the other best reference is to use notepad++ opening up nif.xml in blender foundation\blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\pyffi\formats\nif\nifxml\ folder and read it or using search keywords such as havok. U just have to be able to tell what parts is for fo3 and new vegas and what is for other game.

Edited by baduk
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I learned by going to blendercookie.com and buying a cheep but good trainer series. also cgtuts i believe (i dont know google it i may have spelt it slighty wrong) is also a good place to check out. Both websites offer quality video tutorials on the basics of blender as well as some easy modeling, animating and texturing projects to try. your second option is youtube which i dont really like cause it can be hit or miss.
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I'm kinda new to the modder world;I only have two mods here.


I'm a Hacker so I usualy do my mods in Hacker style,tutorials aside the other good way to learn is by reverse engineering and reusing the game's default functions and objects(i.e. If want to create remote detonated mines,I go check how the C4 Explosives script work)if you have the basic skills with GECK this will be easier than creating everything from scratch.


Not sure if this will be of any help to this thread though,hope it helps someone.

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