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Strange glitching textures


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I have been getting some strange texture glitching on characters, where a mix of ugly and or black textures seem to keep streaming in on random characters. This occurs mostly in outdoor situations with population, doesnt really happen inddors for some reason, and it happens very randomly, for instance it may occur on character X, then I can quit the game and go back into it may not happen to character X anymore.


At first I thought it has something to do with improved atmosphere, but I uninstalled that and left JBtextures, but the glitching still occurs, not only in denerim.


Has any1 else expereinced this, knows a fix?


my specs:

[email protected]

2x2GB Ripjaws @ 1440 MHz

Raptor 150GB

GTX 295

Win 7 ult x64

Edited by shadow85
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i have uninstalled Redesigned but it still occurs.


Did you also uninstall Dracomies True Textures? It is a separate install/uninstall process from Redesigned but is part of it. (I have to ask.)


Edit: After looking at the instructions for JB and 4 aces I must also ask the question Did they overwrite? Unless you dumped the contents of both into the exact same folder I can assure you they did not.

Edited by RustyBlade
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Assuming you are patched to 1.04, you have the latest drivers for your card and the latest version of DirectX, the problem can only be attributed to the game's inherent memory leak.Unfortunately the only solution is then to quit the game, take at least a 60 second break and restart. As stated in your op, that cures the problem for a while.
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