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What controls the number and type of aliens spawned on a map?


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I was playing Long war and doing fairly well. Then I went after a downed scout and found 2 mechoids and a bunch of mutons. After that it rapidly became silly, Where you'd normally find 3 or 4 aliens in a group I was finding seven or eight.


Are there any setting in the .ini files that control this?

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No, you can't. Resource hacker modifies exe file and you need to modify upk file.


Long War has it's own forum and there is a topic about modding: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1151348-modding-long-war/ Try searching/asking for the solution there.


There is a lot of Nexus wiki articles on how to edit XCOM upk files. Try starting with this one: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Hex_editing_UPK_files

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