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Arcangel - The Beginning


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Tiemmo, Melisande, Helstar, and Krixox

June 5, 1048 0754


"Whatcha tryin' to do!" Krixox cries as Helstar pushes back against her. "I'm not going anywhere without my axe." She braces herself and pulls one more time, with the added push of Helstar's weight, the axe pulls free of the mostly destroyed neck, but the head is still attached. With a sickening 'splurt' the axe comes free of the body. As she pulls it up, she notices the balance seems off and looks to see the head has torn free from the body and is still attached to the axe. Helstar finds a good target for his shock bolt, Bengt, and fires at him. The bolt fires and a blue streak arcs across the room. Bengt blows on the substance in his hand, and a shimmering field of small particles quickly encompasses half of the room, obscuring vision greatly into that part of the room. Just as the bolt hits, there is a bloodcurdling scream that comes from within the obscuring field.


Tiemmo launches himself at the uninjured guard, taking him completely by surprise. However, the guard is a little heavier and stronger than Teimmo anticipated, and the guard remains standing, though is unbalanced and moves to his left to catch his balance. Melisande gives ground just in time, as the stumbling guard swings and just misses getting in another shot at her exposed ribs. The injured guard swings at Melisande, connecting again with her left side, sending her five feet to the right before she is able to catch herself. She begins wondering whether or not a purchase of a rigid breastplate will be her next move, assuming she gets out of this fight alive.


The remaining guard looks at the fight going on around him and heads toward Krixox and Helstar, sword held low as he accelerates toward them.

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OOC: Sorry guys, 'Net has been down for ages. :blush:


Erunánion lifts an eyebrow in mild surprise. "Perhaps we should change the arrangement of them? Perhaps i should have your one, and you take mine." He holds his hand out, offering her the red gem.

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"Thanks, Tiemmo!" Melisande yells as she realizes that a quick move by him has just saved her life. "I think I'm pretty much out of this one." she continues with labored breaths.


Melisande continues the best she can (I'm assuming you'll tell me what I can't do) by staggering into the obscuring field to see what caused the noise. She is doing this carefully, and has a wary eye on the fight behind her, hoping that she can hide herself in the field and still be useful by finding what's back here.

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Linden takes the red gem from Eruanion and exchanges it for the green one.


"Let's try the green gem alone first, if nothing happens then the red alone, and then finally both together. "


"If none of those combinations work, let's try the clear one on the back shelf - first alone and then in combination with the red and if that doesn't work, the green one."

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Linden, Eruanion, Alenee

June 5, 1048 0829


As Eruanion places the gem in the depression, there is a silent pause, then, nothing happens. Linden then places the red gem in the other depression with the same result. The same with putting both gems in at the same time. As you bring the clear gem back to the bookshelf, you remember that there is no depression there for it to go in, you had just picked it up where it had been lying on the shelf among the other bric-a-brac.


Melisande, Tiemmo, Helstar, and Krixox

June 5, 1048 0755


Melisande disappears into the veiled area and virtually disappears from sight. Nothing is seen or heard from her for a little while. Helstar takes aim at the onrushing attacker and lets loose with his bolt. As he casts, he realizes that something isn't right, but it is too late. A great blue arc bridges the gap between him and the onrushing attaker, and he feels a great deal of power feeding back on him. Try as he might, he cannot break the link. It is only when Krixox steps into the arc that the spell dissipates, and the arc is severed. With its severing, Helstar feels completely drained, and somewhat disoriented (no magic for the rest of the day, -25 to all rolls requiring concentration). He collapses to his knees, but he can still sense what is going on around him. Krixox's charge to the man comes up short (pardon the pun) as she takes some of the power of the blast. The onrushing attacker stops in his tracks, hovering for a moment, his hair and armor steaming somewhat, before falling face first to the ground, where he goes into convulsions.


Tiemmo's attack strikes home, a little higher than he aimed, but still effective. The weak helm he was wearing flies off, and the sword takes a good chunk of scalp and hair off of his head. He also falls to the ground face first where he lies motionless. The final, injured guard moves into the cloud after Melisande.

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Linden sighs when nothing happens - for the fourth (or was it the fifth??) time. She looks over to Eruanion and then to Peregrine.


"Okay. We tried all of the possible combinations with the two gems that we can think of - separately and in combination. We can't do anything with all three gems that we can see. Maybe if we examine the effigy more closely, we can determine if the third gem fits into it somewhere."


Linden places the gem she was holding into its depression and carefully moves over towards the central table to examine the carved effigy which lies upon it.

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