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Arcangel - The Beginning


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June 05, 1048 1000

(Yes, this is military time - 1:00 PM will be 1300)


"I wasn't privvy to any of the discussions about price or what was going on, so I don't expect any share." Krixox says proudly. "I figure that if we're destined for this big thing, there'll be plenty of riches to come. I'm more in it for the adventure, anyway. I'll go with the group trying to do research, if we're going to split up." The dwarf looks at Helstar. "You're the one left who dealt with what's his name. I would recommend you go there to get your money, if you feel you've completed the task."


A third girl comes out of the back with a wooden tray filled with breads and jams, which she puts on the table in front of you. The bread is not warm, and seems to be yesterday's, but seems good nonetheless.


Out on the street, the city has indeed come to life. Tiemmo notices all kinds of people, some walking nobly, others scurrying around, all trying to get their daily tasks done. As he looks, a procession is coming up the street toward the castle. There are a number of military-looking men in blue and silver garb, brandishing halbards with blue and silver streamers off of their heads. Behind these, a carriage is following, pulled by four horses with blue and silver ribbons braided into their manes. A man walks in front of the procession, dressed in a green tunic with three golden trumpets displayed across the front. He is calling something, but at this distance Tiemmo cannot make out what it is.

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"Actually, what I was thinking about was that the research might have costs associated with it, and I don't know about you guys, but I dion't have any spare on me. If you guys got paid for what you did, then we could use that to try to figure out what we all have to do." Portia leans back in the corner, and looks over at the stranger who had come into the tavern.


"You seem to know this area well, or at least be well known here. Perhaps you know if there are certain costs" She sayus costs with an inflection that makes it certain taht she doesn't mean the cost of a library card, "that we might incur if we try to dig around for some information."

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June 05, 1048 1002


"Amazing, you took the words right out of my mouth." Krixox says to Portia. I am not a dwarf of any means at all, and there are costs associated with everything I have come to learn."


The procession nears, and there is no doubt that it will proceed right past the tavern. As it nears, the voice of the gentleman in green begins to be able to be understood. "All hail! All hail!" He is yelling. "Make way for his most regal excellency Moran, Duke of Amaranth and Lord of the Eastern Plains. Holder of the sacred office of Lord High Altimerean, beloved of Corithalion and head of the Court of Nobles! All Hail!" The most amazing thing about this is he seems to do the entire spiel in a single breath. As they get nearer, you can also see that the guards walking with the procession are being very physical with any who are in the path of the procession.

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"Hope they don't stay here tonight" Helstar says, contorting his face like he just ate a sour lemon.


"Costs may be a role in our studies if our studies took us to some of the more dangerous sections of research, but as I remember, most church's love for people to study their own religion. And most church's also play vital roles in politics. If we just look around religious sections of the library, we won't be given much of a fight. Especially if the lords around here are pious."

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Strangely, as the procession nears Tiemmo vanishes. Or, more particularly, he has moved rapidly away to a point where he can study without being studied. The treatment of the common folk seems callous in the extreme. Tiemmo decides on this basis that he does not like Lord High and Mighty. If he can find out where he is staying he might pay him a noctural visit. Such arrogant people are often inclined to be careless with their valuables.


He then returns to the tavern but says nothing to the others about his ideas.


"Has anyone decided on a plan?"

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Linden looks up at Tiemmo's question. "Portia and Krixox make a good point. We should try to get paid for our work at the tombs. Since Reevelord is not around, maybe we should go to Beadle and demand that we are paid. Using the funds from that, we may be able to get information and supplies. "


As she is talking, she cuts a generous piece of bread, slathers it with jam and begins to eat.

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