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1st person Camera problem


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as said, i have a problem with my first person cam.

I tried out the new deadly reflex 6.0 and installed everything correctly (requiarments) , also using 1st person legs...

everything went well and after some time my first person cam changed its position and is now based about 3 meters above the ground i can hardly see my 2handsword.

when loading a savegame and not moving the camera is normal, but if i move it switches to the discribed position

i'd like to know what happened and if you have an idea what caused this...

i already tried:

-setscale (didnt change anything)

-editing the oblivion.ini (no help from there)

-serching forums and other pages (didn't find any1 with the same problem)


i will make some screens and upload them

here they are:

http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=74649 3rd person

http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=74648 first person


thx for helping

Edited by kackstuhl
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If the issue happened after installing a mod, Deadly Reflex 6 in this case, follow the below procedure.


  1. Remove the mod, Deadly Reflex 6, completely
  2. Launch Oblivion, is the problem fixed? If yes proceed to next step. If no, create a new save and check notes** below.
  3. Create a new save, do not overwrite
  4. Exit Oblivion
  5. Completely reinstall Deadly Reflex 6 and load your new save
  6. Load your newly created save and play.


**If the step defined in by bullet point two did not fix the problem I suggest you delete, or rename, your Oblivion.ini and allow Oblivion to create a new one upon next launch. This file can be found under Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini. If this doesn't fix the issue report back.


If the problem was fixed when following the above process then something just went wrong. I really don't know how to say it any better. I currently have been playing Deadly Reflex 6 and have not experienced this issue at all. Although it seems others have. If the problem returns you need to report the bug in the Official Deadly Reflex 6 Release and Bug Report Thread. There is loads of good information and bug fixes in that thread.

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A what a good coincidence, this happened to me after I installed that Skeleton mod in order for the BBB clothes to work(are these for NPC's?), I'll see if the steps posted work for me.


EDIT: Disabling Deadly Reflex on OBMM makes things normal, no longer must I suffer the discrimination of the towns people for being a giant.

Edited by KaizerFaust
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