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Hi, I'm really hoping someone can help me out with scripting for my mod. Scripting and I don't get along very well - I think I have a mental block against it or something - but I've managed to cobble together some scripts together using other scripts. If anyone would like to help me out part or full time - please, please do so.


In the meantime, I've been trying to add some timers to an existing script. The script is attached to an invisible door. This door is connected to another invisible door in another cell and also has a Linked Ref to an X-Marker Heading. Here is that script:




scn HARESTeleporterAirlockScript

Ref TeleportRef
Short TeleCompanion
Short Button
Short DoOnce
Float Timer1
Float Timer2
Short State1
Short State2

Begin OnActivate

if IsActionRef player == 1
ShowMessage HARESTeleAirlockMsg
set DoOnce to 1


Begin GameMode

If DoOnce == 1
Set Button to GetButtonPressed
If Button == -1
ElseIf Button == 0 ; Go To Teleporter Control Room
Set TeleportRef to HARESTeleporterCell01.GetLinkedRef
Set DoOnce to 1
ElseIf Button == 1 ; Go To Teleporter Armory
Set TeleportRef to HARESTeleporterCell02.GetLinkedRef
Set DoOnce to 1
ElseIf Button == 2 ; Lock-Down Message
ShowMessage HARESSecLockDownMsg
Set DoOnce to 0
ElseIf Button == 3 ; Extend Airlock Bridge
Set DoOnce to 10
ElseIf Button == 4 ; Retract Airlock Bridge
Set DoOnce to 20
ElseIf Button == 5 ; Cancel
Set DoOnce to 0

If DoOnce == 1
Player.MoveTo TeleportRef
if (VNPCFollowers.bEDEHired) && (EDE1REF.Waiting != 1)
EDE1REF.MoveTo TeleportRef
EDE2REF.MoveTo TeleportRef
EDE3REF.MoveTo TeleportRef
if (VNPCFollowers.bBooneHired) && (CraigBooneREF.Waiting != 1)
CraigBooneREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
if (VNPCFollowers.ArcadeHired) && (ArcadeREF.Waiting != 1)
ArcadeREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
if (VNPCFollowers.bCassHired) && (RoseofSharonCassidyREF.Waiting != 1)
RoseOfSharonCassidyREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
if (VNPCFollowers.bVeronicaHired) && (VeronicaREF.Waiting != 1)
VeronicaREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
if (VNPCFollowers.bLilyHired) && (LilyREF.Waiting != 1)
LilyREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
if (VNPCFollowers.RaulHired) && (RaulREF.Waiting != 1)
RaulREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
if (VNPCFollowers.RexHired) && (RexREF.Waiting != 1)
RexREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
Set DoOnce to 0
PlaySound DRSEnclaveLargeOpen
Set GameHour To GameHour + 1

If DoOnce == 10
ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlack4sISFX
PlaySound DRSEnclaveLargeOpen
Set Timer1 to 1.5
Set DoOnce to 0
Set State1 to 1

If State1 == 1
If Timer1 > 0
Set Timer1 to Timer1 - GetSecondsPassed
Set State1 to 0
Set DoOnce to 0

If DoOnce == 20
ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlack4sISFX
PlaySound DRSEnclaveLargeOpen
Set Timer2 to 1.5
Set DoOnce to 0
Set State2 to 1

If State2 == 1
If Timer2 > 0
Set Timer2 to Timer2 - GetSecondsPassed
Set State2 to 0
Set DoOnce to 0






I've been trying to save it, but the GECK (Script Extended) tells me that it can't - the exact message is:



SCRIPTS: Script 'HARESTeleporterAirlockScript', Line 87:

Mismatched if/else/endif block starting on line 87.




With a follow up message saying:



SCRIPTS: Script 'HARESTeleporterAirlockScript', Line 87:

Mismatched if/then/else block.



Can someone please tell me what I did wrong, how to fix it, and if there are any other problems in the script?

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​Hey darkus37,

​You're missing an endif before the end of the block.


scn HARESTeleporterAirlockScript

ref TeleportRef
int TeleCompanion
int Button
int DoOnce
float Timer1
float Timer2
int State1
int State2

Begin OnActivate

if IsActionRef player == 1
ShowMessage HARESTeleAirlockMsg
set DoOnce to 1


Begin GameMode

if DoOnce == 1
set Button to GetButtonPressed
if Button == -1
elseif Button == 0 ; Go To Teleporter Control Room
set TeleportRef to HARESTeleporterCell01.GetLinkedRef
set DoOnce to 1
elseif Button == 1 ; Go To Teleporter Armory
set TeleportRef to HARESTeleporterCell02.GetLinkedRef
set DoOnce to 1
elseif Button == 2 ; Lock-Down Message
ShowMessage HARESSecLockDownMsg
set DoOnce to 0
elseif Button == 3 ; Extend Airlock Bridge
set DoOnce to 10
elseif Button == 4 ; Retract Airlock Bridge
set DoOnce to 20
elseif Button == 5 ; Cancel
set DoOnce to 0

if DoOnce == 1
Player.MoveTo TeleportRef
if (VNPCFollowers.bEDEHired) && (EDE1REF.Waiting != 1)
EDE1REF.MoveTo TeleportRef
EDE2REF.MoveTo TeleportRef
EDE3REF.MoveTo TeleportRef
if (VNPCFollowers.bBooneHired) && (CraigBooneREF.Waiting != 1)
CraigBooneREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
if (VNPCFollowers.ArcadeHired) && (ArcadeREF.Waiting != 1)
ArcadeREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
if (VNPCFollowers.bCassHired) && (RoseofSharonCassidyREF.Waiting != 1)
RoseOfSharonCassidyREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
if (VNPCFollowers.bVeronicaHired) && (VeronicaREF.Waiting != 1)
VeronicaREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
if (VNPCFollowers.bLilyHired) && (LilyREF.Waiting != 1)
LilyREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
if (VNPCFollowers.RaulHired) && (RaulREF.Waiting != 1)
RaulREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
if (VNPCFollowers.RexHired) && (RexREF.Waiting != 1)
RexREF.MoveTo TeleportRef
set DoOnce to 0
PlaySound DRSEnclaveLargeOpen
set GameHour to GameHour + 1

if DoOnce == 10
ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlack4sISFX
PlaySound DRSEnclaveLargeOpen
set Timer1 to 1.5
set DoOnce to 0
set State1 to 1

if State1 == 1
if Timer1 > 0
set Timer1 to Timer1 - GetSecondsPassed
set State1 to 0
set DoOnce to 0

if DoOnce == 20
ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlack4sISFX
PlaySound DRSEnclaveLargeOpen
set Timer2 to 1.5
set DoOnce to 0
set State2 to 1

if State2 == 1
if Timer2 > 0
set Timer2 to Timer2 - GetSecondsPassed
set State2 to 0
set DoOnce to 0





Edited by claustromaniac
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Thanks very much claustromaniac!


I also noticed you changed Short into Int - can you please tell me what the difference is?

You're welcome :smile:


There's no difference actually. There should be, but in reality the engine treats shorts and longs as ints, and internally treats ints as floats, so you could say that it simply treats everything as floats :tongue:


Source: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Int

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Hi, sorry again - I've been having a bit of trouble with this script in-game (among others). My mod has a cell called "Teleporter Control Room" (000Teleporter2) which is linked to another cell called "Teleporter Armory" (000Teleporter1). The script works fine in the armory cell, but I'm having a lot of trouble with the other cell. Just about every script acts wonky in the Teleporter Control Room cell. For example:


1. Activating the door (with the above attached script), displays the correct location to go to, but does nothing - just exits the message box. Same thing when it's supposed to display the Security Lock-Down Message - just exits the message box.

2. Trigger Areas become disabled for seemingly no reason and replacing them in-GECK seems to have no response.


I have no idea why this happens or what's causing it. Any ideas?

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​I messed up earlier, sorry. I didn't inspect the script in great detail and misplaced the missing endif by accident lol. :sweat:​

I've just finished inspecting it (in great detail this time) and not only I fixed it but I also cleaned it up, tidied it up, and optimized it for performance. It looks better than my room right now. Oh, and I added some comments to explain a couple of things, you can delete those if you want (they're quite intrusive).


scn HARESTeleporterAirlockScript

ref TeleportRef

int TeleCompanion

int Button

int DoOnce


float Timer ; I removed both Timer1 and Timer2 and replaced them with this to

; simplify the script.

; I also removed both State1 and State2 for the same reason.


Begin OnActivate

if IsActionRef player

set DoOnce to 1

ShowMessage HARESTeleAirlockMsg



Begin GameMode


if DoOnce == 0 ; Little check to optimize this script for performance.

Return ; nothing to do here, trim CPU usage.



if DoOnce == 1

set Button to GetButtonPressed

if Button == -1


elseif Button == 0 ; Go To Teleporter Control Room

set TeleportRef to HARESTeleporterCell01.GetLinkedRef

elseif Button == 1 ; Go To Teleporter Armory

set TeleportRef to HARESTeleporterCell02.GetLinkedRef

elseif Button == 2 ; Lock-Down Message

ShowMessage HARESSecLockDownMsg

set DoOnce to 0

Return ; skip the rest of the script


elseif Button == 3 || Button == 4 ; Toggle Airlock Bridge

set DoOnce to 10 ; As you can see, I simplified this part.


else ;Cancel

set DoOnce to 0

Return ; skip the rest of the script




if DoOnce == 1 && TeleportRef != 0 ; check to ensure the variable stores

; something, otherwise the script could crash.


Player.MoveTo TeleportRef

if (VNPCFollowers.bEDEHired) && (EDE1REF.Waiting != 1)

EDE1REF.MoveTo TeleportRef

EDE2REF.MoveTo TeleportRef

EDE3REF.MoveTo TeleportRef


if (VNPCFollowers.bBooneHired) && (CraigBooneREF.Waiting != 1)

CraigBooneREF.MoveTo TeleportRef


if (VNPCFollowers.ArcadeHired) && (ArcadeREF.Waiting != 1)

ArcadeREF.MoveTo TeleportRef


if (VNPCFollowers.bCassHired) && (RoseofSharonCassidyREF.Waiting != 1)

RoseOfSharonCassidyREF.MoveTo TeleportRef


if (VNPCFollowers.bVeronicaHired) && (VeronicaREF.Waiting != 1)

VeronicaREF.MoveTo TeleportRef


if (VNPCFollowers.bLilyHired) && (LilyREF.Waiting != 1)

LilyREF.MoveTo TeleportRef


if (VNPCFollowers.RaulHired) && (RaulREF.Waiting != 1)

RaulREF.MoveTo TeleportRef


if (VNPCFollowers.RexHired) && (RexREF.Waiting != 1)

RexREF.MoveTo TeleportRef



set TeleportRef to 0 ;just wiping the variable after using it, otherwise the

;added security check above would fail in the future.


set DoOnce to 0

PlaySound DRSEnclaveLargeOpen


set GameHour to GameHour + 1


if DoOnce == 10

ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlack4sISFX

PlaySound DRSEnclaveLargeOpen

set Timer to 1.5

set DoOnce to -1


if DoOnce == -1

if Timer > 0

set Timer to Timer - GetSecondsPassed


if HARESTeleExtendedTunnelsRef.GetDisabled





set DoOnce to 0





Please let me know if it works well for you. Other than that, I can tell you that you should rename those cells that you mentioned because prefixing FormIDs with numbers is quite problematic by itself. The names don't matter as long as they don't start with numbers. Something like AAATeleporter1 or even A00Teleporter1 would be OK. If you used numeric prefixes in other FormIDs in your mod you should change those too.

Edited by claustromaniac
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Thanks very much, it works!


I also want to thank you so much for telling me about the prefixes - I've been banging my head for so long with that problem and even decided to split the Teleporter cell in two just to get around it. I've renamed them and it works great.


Now on to the next problem:


The first script works - more or less - but the timing is off. Here it is:




scn HARESTeleChamInvisDoor02Script

Short Button
Short DoOnce
Float TimerDoor
Short State

Begin OnActivate Player

If AAAReactor == 0
ShowMessage AAATeleportNoPower
ElseIf AAAReactor == 1
ShowMessage HARESTeleportHomeMsg02
Set DoOnce to 1


Begin GameMode

If DoOnce == 1
Set Button to GetButtonPressed
If Button == -1
ElseIf Button == 0 ; Open Teleporter Pod Chamber Door
Set DoOnce to 10
ElseIf Button == 1 ; Display Security Lockdown Message
ShowMessage HARESTeleportHomeMsg02
Set DoOnce to 0
ElseIf Button == 2 ; Cancel
Set DoOnce to 0

If DoOnce == 10
HARESTeleporterPodsDoorRef.SetOpenState 1
ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlack4sISFX
PlaySound DRSEnclaveLargeOpen
Set TimerDoor to 1.5
Set DoOnce to 0
Set State to 1

If State == 1
If TimerDoor > 0
Set TimerDoor to TimerDoor - GetSecondsPassed
Set State to 0
Set DoOnce to 0






The second script also appears to work except for the open door/disable x-marker functions.




Scn HARESTeleportHomeScript

Short Button
Short DoOnce
Float TimerHome
Float TimerDoor
Short State

Begin OnActivate Player
If AAAReactor == 0
ShowMessage AAATeleportNoPower
ElseIf AAAReactor == 1
ShowMessage HARESTeleportHomeMsg01
Set DoOnce to 1

Begin GameMode

If DoOnce == 1
Set Button to GetButtonPressed
If Button == -1
ElseIf Button == 0 ; teleport Field (must be preset)
Set HARESTeleportControl.Destination to 10
Set DoOnce to 30
ElseIf Button == 1 ; teleport Mark (must be preset)
Set HARESTeleportControl.Destination to 9
Set DoOnce to 30
ElseIf Button == 2 ; teleport to preset menu (must be discovered)
ShowMessage HARESTeleportDevicePresetMsg01
Set DoOnce to 20
ElseIf Button == 3 ; Open Teleporter Pod Chamber Door
Set DoOnce to 50
ElseIf Button == 4 ; leave it alone
Set DoOnce to 0

If DoOnce == 20
Set Button to GetButtonPressed
If Button == -1
ElseIf Button == 0 ; camp mccarran
Set HARESTeleportControl.Destination to 1
Set DoOnce to 30
ElseIf Button == 1 ; freeside
Set HARESTeleportControl.Destination to 2
Set DoOnce to 30
ElseIf Button == 2 ; goodsprings
Set HARESTeleportControl.Destination to 3
Set DoOnce to 30
ElseIf Button == 3 ; Hoover damn
Set HARESTeleportControl.Destination to 4
Set DoOnce to 30
ElseIf Button == 4 ; jacobstown
Set HARESTeleportControl.Destination to 5
Set DoOnce to 30
ElseIf Button == 5 ; new vegas strip
Set HARESTeleportControl.Destination to 6
Set DoOnce to 30
ElseIf Button == 6 ; novac
Set HARESTeleportControl.Destination to 7
Set DoOnce to 30
ElseIf Button == 7 ; leave it alone
Set DoOnce to 0

If DoOnce == 30
Player.MoveTo HARESMarkerHome
Set TimerHome to 4
Set DoOnce to 0

If ( TimerHome > 0 )
Set TimerHome to TimerHome - GetSecondsPassed
Set DoOnce to 40

If DoOnce == 40
HARESTeleportControl.Activate HARESTeleportControl 1
Set DoOnce to 0

If DoOnce == 50
HARESTeleporterPodsDoorRef.SetOpenState 1
ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlack4sISFX
PlaySound DRSEnclaveLargeOpen
Set TimerDoor to 1.5
Set DoOnce to 0
Set State to 1

If State == 1
If TimerDoor > 0
Set TimerDoor to TimerDoor - GetSecondsPassed
Set State to 0
Set DoOnce to 0






I was also wondering if there is a way to have a similar timed set of operations through a terminal option. I tried doing it without a timer and all I got was instant disabling/enabling of an x-marker and/or opening/closing of a door as well as the sound playing on a loop until I reloaded a previous save - or is it simpler to do it via a script attached to a switch?

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I have some stuff to do right now, but ​I'll take a good look at those scripts later today. As for the timed-set-of-operations-through-a-terminal-option thingy, I'm pretty sure it's easier than it sounds. You just need to make it change the variables of the scripts of the doors and such externally. I'll try to give you an example later.


EDIT: Ok I took a good look and it seems you made very minor mistakes.





I can't test the timing in the first script for obvious reasons but, if it works well otherwise, you should be able to test by just changing the value of the timer yourself. As for the second script, the one line that I suspect is causing you trouble is the following one:

HARESTeleportControl.Activate HARESTeleportControl 1

That basically means that HARESTeleportControl activates itself, which is kinda weird. I changed it to:

HARESTeleportControl.Activate PlayerREF 1

But that's mostly just a wild guess. If I was wrong there I'm sure you'll let me know.


Now, regarding the terminal commands, I will try to explain what you can do with the following example. Let's suppose you wanted to open the so-called "Teleporter Pod Chamber Door" through a terminal option.


You'd need to set up the terminal, then in the Item Result Script for that option you could simply add a script with the following line:

set HARESTeleChamInvisDoor02REF.DoOnce to 10

Then, when you select that option in game the terminal sets the value of that variable to 10, and the already existing script in that door does the rest of the job.


Let me know if that helps.

Edited by claustromaniac
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OK, I added the scripts in-game, and I've experienced a couple of problems. The first problem is with the ChamInvisDoor02Script - it seems to ignore the timer and just disables the x-marker right away before a really short fadetoblack. The problems really begin once I activate the HARESTeleportHomeScript - basically, once it's used, it bugs out all the other scripts like the Airlock and trigger areas, as well as the ChamInvisDoor02 script - none of them work.




I haven't checked out the terminal option just yet, but I'll give it a try a little later. However, while we are on the subject, what would a script like this looks like? For example, in the HARESTeleChamInvisDoor02Script, there is a section called 'Begin OnActivate' - I wouldn't need that, right?




I was also wondering about a set of operations. For example:


1. On script start - ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlack4sISFX; PlaySound DRSEnclaveLargeOpen.

2. +1 seconds - disable an x-marker (DefaultRef).

3. +3 seconds - PlaySound TRPPitchingMachineRunLPM.

4. Script Ends.

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