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Ammo Creation


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hey all! this is my first time modding, and i'm tryin to create a new ammunition type. i have it all configured, and i just need some guidance on how to set it to weapons and how to make it so that some of the vendors sell it. i've been looking and i can't really find any tutorial or help to point me in the right direction. ty all!
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Let's assume You want to add 10mm ammo.


Find existing 10mm hollow point.

From context menu select use info.

You'll see FLST AmmoList10mm

Open that list and drag to it from object window Your ammo. voala, it's usable with 10mm pistol.


Better way of doing this is by script so You don't frack up with other ppl changes to same ammolists - use AddFormToFormList (see GECK homepage for info)


Create quest and it's script


scn myquesttoaddammoforsomeweaponscript

begin GameMode
 AddFormToFormList AmmoList10mm my10mmAmmo
 StopQuest myquesttoaddammoforsomeweapon



For merchant tutorial You can use.

type google.com in adress bar.

type GECK merchant tutorial

press search (if You're using one of better browsers You can actually type search string into adress bar)


first google result.


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