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(Probably) The stupid texture question


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There's Gutsy Robots Improved Texture, not sure if there are any others though. As to how to change the textures of the robots, that depends on what you want to change. If you just want to edit the textures themselves then you need to find the appropriate texture(s) to edit, but if you want to change the textures to something else then you'll need to edit the appropriate .nif files. Edited by Grizzly_UK
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Thanks for reply.

Well I already know how to retexture things (armor, environment, etc.) but in the bot options I can't change directly anything. I found only the ModelList tab where there are all parts of the robot (arms, legs, torso, etc.). For example I tried to change the model of the torso but no luck. Definitely it works different than other retexturing and I have to figure how.

BTW - The Gutsy Robots Improved Texture probably doesn't solve the problem but I may be wrong and I'll test it as soon as I come home from work.

Thank you.

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You could just unpack the relevant models nif. files from the bsa and view them in nifskope. That way you will be able to see which dds. files you need to change.


I believe the robots are in the meshes\creatures\*NameOfRobotHere* tab when you go to unpack them. The ones you are looking for will just say the name of the robot you want to unpack and wil be a nif. file, for example Protectron.nif. as opposed to a kf. which is an animation file.


Hope that helps,


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