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Balmora Council Club


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Hey guys, coming back to Morrowind after being gone for years, and I was wondering if anybody had Princess Stompers' mod entitled "Balmora Council Club", and if they could reupload it or something along those lines, I'd be very appreciative. Not a regular forum user, so I apologize in advance if this is the wrong place for this thread.





That's what I'm asking for, in case I wasn't descriptive enough lol.



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1. Reupload is not allowed, any member that contributes to redistribution of a modders mods without proper permissions risks their account.


2. Princess Stomper is still around a bit, she's a member of the nexus and I think she's a moderator on the official morrowind modding forums. Either way you can search for her directly and send her a PM asking if she'd reupload for you.


3. All else fails you can do a search for a site called "Morrowind Modding History" a lot of mods that didn't end up here when PES and ElricM died can sometimes be found there.

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