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Septim's Pride, an Oblivion comic has been launched!!


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Comic follows the events of the main quest in Oblivion. If you have not played the game and do not wish to have it spoiled for you then this comic is not for you. You have been warned.


Thank You for stopping by to see my comic! The site (http://unix.eng.ua.edu/~rhino/) is under temporary condition as far as aesthetics go and I will be revamping it sometime in the future. You can find the comics by accessing them on the left by clicking on each chapter and then the corressponding link. I will only post links as the comic is made. Also, there will be a link on the main page to the most recent one, as well as links on each page of the comic to jump to the previous, next, first, or last in that chapter.


Updating of the story/comic will hopefully happen 2 times a week. Just bookmark this site and keep checking back. Each comic is titled. I say it will update hopefully 2 times a week which, being said, means there will be at most 3 updates and at the very least 1. I am a full time student and that sort of thing always comes first.


On a totally awesome note, WE HAVE A FORUM (http://septimspride.19.forumer.com/index.php)! I took the amazing brains I had and just searched Google for \"Free Forums\" and got my host. It was that easy. I even have all the features as if I had paid money. The only thing lacking is that there are a few google adds but it doesn't really distract I don't think. Besides, those adds are fun because you can make them say strange things.


Also, if you want to know more about me (for whatever reason.. yay for stalkers!) or want to see more of my projects, head on over to my main site http://bama.ua.edu/~chick003 . Take care and I hope you enjoy it!


Anyways, hope you enjoy the changes in looks as the site progresses further and further to the final product. Oh, and because I got so much support already at my original announcment sites, a new one has just be uploaded for a total of 2 comics already ;) And the new one is slightly long.... I love you people.


Once again,

The site: http://unix.eng.ua.edu/~rhino/

The forums: http://septimspride.19.forumer.com/index.php

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Thanks for all the feedback guys! Right now I am shooting for another issue to be released on Tuesday. I got some school work I have to focus my attention on until Tuesday afternoon so that night I should get one together. Again, thanks so much!


hehheh...man that is funny, can't wait to see what the next chapter will be like.


Just so you know, this chapter still has one, maybe two, issues left before it ends. The new chapter will most likely begin when he gets out of the sewers and into the actual land of Tamriel.

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