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scripting question


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hello i remember there was a command in morrowind i think it was some thing like skip animation it allowed you to turn a corpse into a mannequin was wondering about it and once i learn about that again i will need to make oblivion construction set to run the npc maker with out crashing i am on win 7 and cant work with faces gotta hate win 7 i much pref xp it listens when i give it commands win 7 says no i gonna be a pain in your rear
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hello i remember there was a command in morrowind i think it was some thing like skip animation it allowed you to turn a corpse into a mannequin was wondering about it and once i learn about that again i will need to make oblivion construction set to run the npc maker with out crashing i am on win 7 and cant work with faces gotta hate win 7 i much pref xp it listens when i give it commands win 7 says no i gonna be a pain in your rear

Your post is really hard to read. Punctuation would help a lot. :laugh: In any case, if you want to make a mannequin, look through Reznod Mannequins and see how he did it. If you want to use the NPC Face Editor on Win 7, do a full body preview of the NPC first and then go into the face editor. I'm not sure why that works, but it does (for most people, anyway).

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ok i was saying there was a script comand in morrowind that stoped a corpse from falling over tho it it did have an intresting sidefect the corpses would some times watch you and or your compainions it was pretty creepy but it made any dead body with the script a nice way to display your armor
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