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FALLOUT 3 FOMM crashes on start


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ok so i just got the mod manager to work. i get the mods installed and then when i try to play it crashes.

i installed the mods in these orders


Fallout 3 Reanimated



RECCOMANDED Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow v2 hotfix b Fomod Package- FULL DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANYTHING ELSE

[Enhanced weather]


Mart’s Mutant Mod


Fallout 3 Wanderer’s Edition



being a nood im assuming i just didnt read something correctly

pic is of the mods, weather and animated dont seem to appear

also im playing on steam version if it helps.

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I don't use any of those mods myself, so I'll apologise now in case I get something wrong, but looking at your attached pic I can see that your load order is wrong, Fallout3.esm should be loading first, meaning it should be at the top of the list. You've also enabled various FWE and MMM extra's that clearly show they're for the DLC's, but you don't seem to have the actual DLC's enabled. Do any of those mods require FOSE? If so, do you have FOSE installed? If not then download it from FOSE and install it.


Mods will appear in your load order list if they include either an .esm or .esp file (or both). Check the readme files that came with each mod very carefully for any special installation instructions. Also check for any details on the required load order for each mod, some mods will tell you that they need to load either before or after other mods. If you have any or all of the DLC's then your load order should start like this:








<other .esm files>

<all .esp files>


Install FOSE, clean up your load order and see what happens after that.


EDIT: Just took a quick look at those mods, Fallout 3 Wanderer’s Edition requires FOSE; Fallout 3 Reanimated does not require either an .esm or .esp so that's why it doesn't show in your list; Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow includes an .esm and various .esp's so for those not to be showing in your list then your install didn't work correctly. If you're not sure how to install fomod packages then just download the manual install files, either the Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow v2.7z or the Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow v2.zip file AND the v2 Hotfix file, install the full file first then install the hotfix file.

Edited by Grizzly_UK
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If you have ArchiveInvalidation turned on when you install new textures try disabling it and then re-enable it. That's been known to resolve glitches with newly installed textures.
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