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MQ05EnclaveSceneSCRIPT Breaks My Radio


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ive been listening to my radio once the problem starts, and ive noticed that the music is Jumping forwards and backwards within 2-ish seconds at intervals of 4-5 seconds. I can hear the lyrics and music properly, but the songs are skipping in that way.

oh, wow...out of sync ..defrag the hard drive and run scandisk

CMD type chkdsk /f


answer yes to dismount.


once done, reboot and re-defrag the system and then reboot once more.

also, do you know how to increase the size of your systems swap file ?

the hard drive is not fast enough or is overheating.

  • and ive noticed that the music is Jumping forwards and backwards within 2-ish seconds at intervals of 4-5 seconds. I can hear the lyrics and music properly, but the songs are skipping in that way
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Wow, thats kind of shocking, Im almost certain that overheating isnt the issue, as my harddrive is only slightly warm to the touch. Ive defragged my hardrive quite recently, i'll take the time to do it again and scan for errors.

And no, i dont know how to increase the size of my systems swap file

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Wow, thats kind of shocking, Im almost certain that overheating isnt the issue, as my harddrive is only slightly warm to the touch. Ive defragged my hardrive quite recently, i'll take the time to do it again and scan for errors.


And no, i dont know how to increase the size of my systems swap file


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Or you have software watching the games software running...interfering with it ,AKA windows media player is copying all wav files as they are played. or antivirus is cause the system to lag.


Graphics are set way too high for the PC ability to handle it sufficiently. stay with in the bounds of performance means and you will be ok.


the head phone thing I found out was a impedance problem, the head phones draw too much power..so want not waste not ,back to the store I went ,I got an amp for the sound system low power in and high power out with head phone ability and literally blew out my ear drums ,not I can increase the graphics because the sound level on the PC is next to nothing and the amplifier is sky high.


Now all I need is one of those gaming chairs and I'd be set.


something somewhere is getting hot.


you still have not answered my question....does this bug show up with out head phones on?

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K, i increased the systems size file swap. Was that a potential fix or was it just to help me out overall?

the game is greedy period ,any chances of obtaining ground over it's greed of resource hungry programing inefficiencies is a +


the more ram power I can give to you as to have available removes that instance of possible bottle necks.


I was taught..ram is used up by greedy miss programed files...sloppy work with no effort put into them to remove resource hungry scripts.


the better the files programing is and the more room you have to play means less work for anything involved.


ASWER: Both.

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I guess thats the end of the help i'll be getting from this thread


Did some more researching, Found out that the problem stops while the game is paused. Console menu, Esc menu, Pipboy menu. Outside of these menus, the problem comes back

what is high lighted means trhe game has stopped processing things....That means it's not running...it also means your not getting any idea as to whats wrong...not helping me...help you.


it's a paradox .no answer to an answer.


Does the problem exist when you remove the head phones ?


simple yes or no will suffice.

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Unfortunately i cant find an extra pair of headphones or speakers. So im really not sure. if that changes, i'll inform you.

Im sorry if what i said didnt help, here and in that quote. I still really would like this fixed. But im still pretty clueless

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