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Brotherhood Outcasts Helmet Texture Oddity


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So for a new mod I'm designing, I actually need the Brotherhood Outcast textures for their standard power armor. I was delighted to (finally) find the texture to their body armor buried in the FO:NV Textures, however, the helmet is not.


I am aware that using a texture file from FO3 in FO:NV is something approaching a cardinal sin and so have no intention of doing so. I still need it though, so I was planning on reproducing it by hand using GIMP 2. My best plan was to have GIMP 2 open with the NV (normal) Brotherhood Helmet texture (powerarmorhelmet.dds) open in one with and the FO3 Outcast helmet in another (powerarmoroutcasthelmet.dds).


Here's where it gets weird. When I open both files using "DDSView" both textures appear perfectly.


However, when I open the files in GIMP I get the image attached.




The Outcast version on the left has only faint shadows (that aren't even the right color) while the Brotherhood one shows perfectly (right).


I am completely flummoxed on why this is happening. I've activated all the layers in the Outcast .dds file, but there's no change. It's almost as if it's pulling the original Brotherhood texture itself and placing some sort of overlay on top of it...but can .dds files even do that? Reference an image from another image? Anyway, the Outcast version is missing the black


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Here's what the Outcast helmet should look like:



Edited by Lyssinna
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