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Item List for Toolset please?


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Greetings one and all,

I am hoping that such a thing exists somewhere either in my game or online. What I am looking for is a list, hopefully exhaustive, of all the items in Dragon Age. I mean armor pieces, weapons, jewelry, tomes, etc etc. The toolset is nice as far as it goes -- when it comes to modding stats and xp and such, and I have downloaded some mods that seem to mesh with the whole game. Unfortunately the AIS mod (the store of infinite supplies) does NOT mesh with everything, especially DLC, and I am hoping that there is a list of items I can use to put on characters using the toolset.

Thank you very much,


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I know here is such a list through DA:A, not sure it was updated after that. But you might have better luck posting the query over on the "DA Mod Talk" or "Mod Troubleshooting" forums. The folk who might know frequent those.
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I dont know of an exact list. But all of the items in the vanilla game are located in a .erf file in your installation folder.

C:\Program Files\Dragon Age\packages\core\data


open the .erf file in the toolset, and you will see the list of all the vanilla items. Tho, you'll have to open whichever one, to see what it actually is :(

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