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[WIP] Hokuto Shinken NV


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I am currently working on a revamped version of my Hokuto Shinken mod for New Vegas, which I'll release after NVSE v1 comes out of beta. I've decided to start this thread to keep people who enjoyed that mod up to date, as well as to get some feedback.


A few of the changes I've made so far:

  • The perk is now only a single level, since vanilla FNV only gives perks every other level. The Skill requirements for special techniques remain.
  • The perk requirements have been adjusted slightly. Its now available at Level 2 and you still need Unarmed, STR, END, PER, and AGI, but you only need the latter two at 6 (was at all 7 in FO3). If you pull a few points out of CHR, INT, and/or LUK, and take Unarmed as a Tag Skill, you can get the perk right away.
  • Perk bonuses have been tweaked to reflect changes in FNV and certain balance issues. Some have been removed, some reduced, others increased, and some have been replaced.
  • You can no longer configure the "power" of the mod, since the bonuses have been adjusted to make it less OP overall.
  • The two "instant death" techniques are now essentially available on-demand (more on this later).
  • The special armor has been removed.
  • The music has been removed. It was a bit excessive. The other SFX have been untouched and a certain trademark phrase has been included.

Now for the feedback part. I have a few ideas about the insta-kill abilities I've been kicking around and wanted some opinions.

  • Since the instant death techniques can now be activated manually, should they be removed from the normal tech rotation?
  • Should they be hotkey triggered or trigger on a power attack?
  • If hotkeyed, should it be a single key for both (randomly picks one since they both result in death anyway), one for each, or a combination key (ie Shift + Attack)?
  • If its power attack triggered, should it randomly pick one or be selectable like the "special" power attacks (ie Scribe Counter, Khan Trick, etc)? Or maybe a timer depending on how long you hold the Attack key?

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1 - I'm assuming that means removing them from...okay I don't know what it means at all. Sorry.


2 - Hotkeyed, for sure. Maybe make it a mappable hotkey, so it doesn't interfere with other mods that assign keys to stuff.


3 - I would think a single key, that way it throws a bit of variety into things.


4 - The way the special attacks were used is kinda annoying, so you might avoid that. Having to move backward while holding the attack key for a legsweep was a pain, because it would inevitably lead to backing up into something and not being able to trigger the attack.

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1 - I'm assuming that means removing them from...okay I don't know what it means at all. Sorry.

In the original mod, every normal attack causes the effect to go through this random chain that chooses which special attack to use, with the two instant death attacks having the smallest chance of occurring. Since I've rewritten the code so that the player can choose to use these two specials now (provided they are available), should I remove them from the normal attack probability tree and just leave the hideous crippling effect specials.

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Yeah, removing them from the attack tree would probably be better, in that case. In retrospect, movement shouldn't be a factor in unarmed combat in the game unless you're tackling or doing some sort of flying punch/kick thing. A legsweep shouldn't require moving backward, since in real life, attempting a legsweep while moving backward tends to leave you flat on your rear-end.
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  • 10 months later...

Ok. I'm so excited that you are doing this for new vegas. Here's the thing though. I really love the music theme songs and I didn't find them excessive at all. If you can make it where you can use Hokuto Hakuretsu Ken death kill where they explode, then the theme song is very fitting. If you are being overwhelmed by a bunch of baddies, the themesong fits very well because you are still striking. I'm sorry I'm quite the Fist of the North Star Fan. Having the ability to choose whether it is on or off should still remain there. ok so heres to answer the questions


1) Yes take instant death techniques out of random cycle and hotkey, BUT, NV now has a vats that lets you right click to do special moves. Which means, one of us should get into doing custom animations, or get someone that can do them so we can have a custom attack vats kill.


2) If we find a way to do custome animation vats thing, it can be a choice, but random doesn't matter so either one is fine.


3) I think Hokuto shinken should give you more AP to do moves personally, but if your going the live fight right where you are swinging wildly...>.> I guess random would be easier selectable wouldnt really make a diff.


4) We now have perk everylevel mods. So Getting Hokuto Shinken shouldn't be any problem at all.



Again, I know you removed it but...please, at least put the victory ko music back for at least an option...please....I mean when you have a selectable death skill. Wouldn't you want your theme song playing while you do it? XD I love fist of the north star. In the end though I thank you for putting it into NV. My gratitudes to you.


nvm...this was a year old sorry looks like ill be taking up the banner myself...luls.

Edited by etherealblade
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