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Thank you


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HI Nexus,


Just a quick thank you for creating this mod . It made me want to play XCOM again.



One of the highlights of my Classic game so far was with my C team . Just a general mission, all was going perfectly; killed a floater pack of 3, got both meld points, entered a building which spawn 8 units 4 floater and 4 sectoid. The battle was immense , losing two soldiers that got hit and went down injured needing stabilising (I haven't got revive yet) The battle wheeled in advantage to the aliens . I had to change tact , mission was now to stabilise the 2 downed soldiers . Taking the long route I managed to stabilise one soldier before that soldier got hit going down for another injury. This was due to a Floater with covering fire perk (OMG didn't know they could have it, but loving that change). I managed to stabilise the soldier in a couple of turns, and defeat the rest of the aliens without too much hassle. I did lose the first downed soldier but he was a rookie and just clearly wasn't cut out for my C team. Shame as he did take one out before he bought it , but that's XCOM


In a nutshell this game is no longer find full cover, over watch rinse and repeat . The Aliens used to have to adapt to me but now its a tug of war changing tact , grappling for best positions and taking a few risks along the way. Much more enjoyable.


I have read that the Outsider is difficult but I haven't noticed too much of a change there yet . I think I met him on my 3rd mission , I still had a pack out on the field as well as the outsider his hit ratio wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, no instant death as reported by other people so far. It was more of a flanking him situation as the Outsider definitely didn't want to be flanked kept moving about a lot and regenerating. I am sure we will meet again and he will be stronger or there will be 2 of them . But I know I will also be stronger as well , Carapace and Laser weapons soon to be researched . bring it on XCOM.


P.S First country to leave was the US . I guess this is were the main alien base is?


Oh and one thing I am still not a fan of is the base layout. although that's more of a game thing. I liked a bit of micromanagement back in the original. Like ordering Scientist and engineers etc. and also designing my base . Who knows maybe a mod will come out or a DLC which will just recreate the original with the new graphics and my auto shot which would hit first ceiling then floor before planting a shot right between the sectoids eyes - lol


thanks again

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