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Underground Hideout Mod


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I was looking for the newest version of Underground Hideout mod, and I can't find it. Can anybody tell me where its at ? It doesn"t come up on the search function anymore.



Edited by flatbush71
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It is under review by a moderator, therefore you can't search for it. It's visible only in Top 100 section under Buildings category, but still, you must wait until moderator finish his reviewing.



That's like the most popular mod ever made for FO3, and has to be reviewed ? There is something funny going on. Does anyone know of another place to get it ?



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Wasn't it under review a while back, too?


I don't know, I have noticed this mod approx. 5 days ago and downloaded it for bug-hunting. And it is 1 day it can't be searched, because I was constantly checking for new version. However, what was before I don't know...

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Didn't have any major bugs for me, but its also not finished from what I read. There puttting up tons of new mods every day, so it doesn't take long to look at it. I wonder whats going on with just this one mod ???


It had like a 100,000 downloads at FO3, go figure.



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Still no UHM, 07:00 AM CST 12/01/10. Hmmmm. Something must be up or going on behind the scenes. Why would they not want to host one of the most popular mods of all time. This is getting more and more fishy by the day.

I,m going to try and contact the author and see if he would agree to let Planet Fallout host it as well. Its not right that Nexus won't let people down load the mod.



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