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Town Markers


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Does anyone else find it odd that the Courier has no town markers right from the start? Not even for Primm, where the package was collected for delivery. And even if one does not assume that the courier was regularly so employed, surely anyone undertaking such work, or otherwise regularly travelling the Mojave, would have some knowledge of other locations, probably even a route map.


So would it be possible to make a mod where the courier has knowledge of locations such as Primm, Novac, the Mojave Outpost, and other likely destinations for deliveries?


(In order to avoid the ability to fast travel from day one, these locations could be known but 'not discovered yet', which would be a rather crude fix, but would achieve the objective of causing the courier to walk the roads with a better idea of a destination than that provided by a triangle or pointer on the HUD).

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well, you need to take into account the fact that you were shot in the head......

you are lucky to even be alive at all, not to mention having some traces of your memory, but i wouldn't jump into you remembering everything after such an event


besides you are a courier, you don't do fast traveling, you walk your way :biggrin:


but the main reason why it isn't recommended is that it would skip your last chance to change your character (which could have some serious effects on the game, as far as i know)


EDIT: after reading your last remark, THAT part should be acceptable, and does make sense

if i'll learn how to do so, i will try to do it

Edited by WastelandAssassin
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well, you need to take into account the fact that you were shot in the head......

you are lucky to even be alive at all, not to mention having some traces of your memory, but i wouldn't jump into you remembering everything after such an event


besides you are a courier, you don't do fast traveling, you walk your way :biggrin:


but the main reason why it isn't recommended is that it would skip your last chance to change your character (which could have some serious effects on the game, as far as i know)


EDIT: after reading your last remark, THAT part should be acceptable, and does make sense

if i'll learn how to do so, i will try to do it


Of course, since you aren't making it a fast travel thing, this is only an issue with the first playthrough. My current character remembers pretty much where all the locations are and heads to where he wants to go without the markers if need be. Just saying... :)

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that is true

besides, you can get the markers through conversations, which is a very good way of finding new places

and as far as i know, you can find almost all the cities (if not all of them) through conversations


also, the whole idea is exploring, so if you don't know where you are going, it's just another part of the fun (at least i think so.... :biggrin:)

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