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new Race 'Ogrekind'


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originally i was looking to do this in FNV but thought it might fit better in Skyrim. the Ogrekind would be a cross between an Orc and an Ice Troll in size and appearance. Evolved in intellect but brutish in size and demeaner. Ape like arms, 'normal' tree truck size legs. more hairy than an orc but more human than a troll. upright and intelligent TANK with minor magicka skills. it would use limited clothing, having naturally tough hide (not a pretty thing, not that i don't have plenty 'barbie doll' companions and characters) but something to be feared and respected on sight and not attacked. affinity towards 2h weapons (single handedly, dual wielded), unarmed, conjuration, restoration, ?

if we say scale of 1 = 6ft tall than the ogrekind should be between 6-7.6ft. tall, so scale of about 1.25, not slouched or hunched over, well maybe a little. males being broader shouldered and females more sagging breasts and slender.

if you will think of Wulfgar ape-ish or Andre the Giant with bigger, longer arms.

i want an unattractive brute that can take on an army and be intelligent, but not scary.

i looked into trying the CK and found it daunting, i know there are some amazing character modders out there so please look into this.

thanks for checking out my idea... good luck :wink:


did some searches on nexus and found 3 close ones. 1. 'Vrykul race' nice half giant, but its just a short giant. 2. 'Half Ogre race' again nice, but looks like over-sized orc.

3. 'Ronzo in Skyrim" real cool and closest to what i'm thinking, this looks like a great mod and i'll be trying it out, but the female version looks real femmed down. and all in all ronzo race looks/is a beast race and less human.

lots of over-sized races but that's all they are, over-sized.

Edited by jtzeal
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