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Aznars Vampire Mod


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Not sure whether to post this here or the technical forums, but if this is the wrong place, i'm sure a moderator will move it.


SO...here's my problem.


I installed the mod, started using it, everything was fine. I decided to test the limits of the mod by not feeding for awhile. After not feeding for about 5 days, I had Blood Starvation II and some other effects. Two of which was the permenant Detect Life and permenant Night eye.


After awhile I decided to stop using the vampirism, and am going do the vampirism cure quest.

So, I deleted the mod. Little did I know at the time, I should have fed first to remove the effects. Well, I didn't. So, now the mod is uninstalled as per the readme.txt, but I still have the effects on. I reverted back to being a normal vampire and tried casting the inherent vamp ability that gives you night eye and detect life. I wait till the timer ran out, hoping that casting that spell would reset the ability.


It did not. Now i'm stuck with permenant Night-eye and Detect life and it's rather annoying.

Anyone got some ideas?




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Are you sure you uninstalled it correctly? Browsing the script, it appear to me that the abilities should have been removed if you ran the uninstall action from the console as described in 'uninstalling'.


Did you get the message saying it had been removed? Did the nighteye and detect life disappear at that time? Did you save it afterward to preserve the change before removing the mod?


If yes to all and it all came back, PM Aznar notifying him of the bug. You probably have to reload a save before removing the mod and try again. You might be able to reinstall the mod and do it, though.


If you got the message, but they did not disappear, it may be that you have to load even further back. However, try running 'Player.RemoveSpell KIVampEyeOfTheHunter' & 'Player.RemoveSpell KIVampScentOfBlood' from the console when performing the mod uninstall process first. If that works, there may be a bug in the script.


If you don't have hard saves, I'm not sure what to recommend to you aside from always hardsaving before adding mods and before removing mods in the future. However, that probably is too late to help you with this problem.

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